
British MP Calls UK Inaction on the Ukraine Border Gives Clear Signal for Russian Rollout

British MP Calls UK inaction on the Ukraine Border Giving Clear Signal for Russian Rollout
Alexander KHUDOTEPLY/AFP via Getty Images

British MP Tobias Ellwood assailed UK inaction for military assistance to Kiev with the chance of a Russian steamroller hitting the Ukrainian border forces. The Tory MP called the decision of Downing Street as a clear sign that the Kremlin can do what it pleases.

NATO is wary of the presence of Russian forces on the border and Moscow's posturing over issues that have caused endless worries for the bloc.

Britain not to send troops to Ukraine

MP Ellwood, who is the head of the House of Commons Defense Committee, posted online the decision of Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, who decided to hold back British Troops to support the Ukrainian forces, according to the Express UK.

Wallace spoke to The Spectator and stated that Kiev is not a NATO member and that precludes sending assets to challenge an alleged invasion. Joe Biden gave the same advice that the non-NATO country must fend for itself, even if the Kremlin orders to initiate hostilities.

He made it clear that London would assist in the defense of Ukraine, which is not a member of NATO. Diplomacy is the last method to stop the Russian leader from doing anything untoward.

The British MP stated that if the UK follows the policy of UK inaction, which will be more of an impetus for the Russian head of state to ignore Great Britain. He said we had given the green light to proceed anytime on the Ukraine border on social media.

Comment by Defense Secretary about nonintervention followed a prior statement issued with the Oleksii Yuriyovych Reznikov, the Ukrainian defense minister. Both defense officials were worried over the build-up of Russian troops at the southern Russian border.

US spooks have come up with 70,000 Russian troops on the edge of the border. The UK gave its commitment to Kiev that it would stand by the Ukraine people and support them.

Russia's demands

Earlier, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave Vladimir Putin a fair warning not to dare invade the country. During a one-on-one phone call, he said that UK support is steadfast for Ukraine; he did not mince words of harsh response, cited Sky News.

They discussed the border shared with Ukraine that should not be violated, adding that attempts to sow confusion and destabilization there would be an error.

Transcript of the conversation between the heads of state read that Putin insists on a treaty that NATO does not advance eastward to have peace. This is one of the red lines not to cross.

Another demand to diffuse the tension is to lessen the presence of arms in Ukraine, especially close by states to the Russian border. More demand to follow as the Russian leader wants to prevent conflict if it can be done, but provocation the US significantly should be halted.

US President Joe Biden wants Moscow to dial down border responses, but the US is actively undermining de-escalation with provocative acts close to the Russian borders.

British MP Ellwood says the UK inaction is incorrect as there was expressed support for Ukraine against Russian aggression. The US said no military support for a non-NATO member as demanded by Putin.

Eu, Kiev
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