Joe Biden Gets Tongue Lashing From Eco-Activist Greta Thunberg Calling the New Green Deal a Sham

Joe Biden Gets a Tongue Lashing From Eco-Activist Thunberg Who Shreds the New Green Deal and Calls it a Sham

US President Joe Biden is the target of Eco-Activist Greta Thunberg, who criticizes how the US plans to use renewables in the continental United States, which is the target of her vitriol.

The well-known activist is lobbying for a total drop in using fossil fuel-based energy. She aired her disapproval of COP 26 as leaders of the bloc discussed relevant subjects to help ease in more alternative energy sources.

Eco-Activist Thunberg targets the US president

Thunberg expresses misgivings at how the green agenda of the present US leader still considers the expansion of fossil fuel use in the country's infrastructure, reported the Express UK.

She said that it was odd that the US leader is thought to be the top leader for climate change when looking at the stance of Washington on fossil fuels.

As part of his election manifesto, the formerly presidential hopeful promised to lessen new gas and oil licenses, but he has yet to do so. Thunberg adds they are doing the opposite, cited the Hill.

Thunberg told the Washington Post how he could be called a leader when everyone can see what the US administration is up to. According to her, why is the US still reliant on fossil fuel and not shifting to green, which wasn't very clear to her.

Thunberg rips into the climate change policies

She added with a clear message that Eco-Activist Thunberg and tree-huggers who would rather spend time studying are needed outside. To increase the insight to spread the word and tell everyone who wants to hear the emergency faced by everyone.

During her monologue on the environment and politics of eco-consciousness, she took the time to name her own country 'Sweden' as not doing enough as well.

Mentioning that people ask what is wanted, and then the same is asked what elected officials need to do. Saying politics is a greater part of the environmental equation. She suggests that one of the roadblocks is knowing more about climate and the emergency it faces more than ever.

Furthermore, adding that it is like trying to find an answer to a huge problem concerning the environment, which is not fully understood.

In Sweden, she used this as an example to illustrate the real problem. One of the compounding issues is that it does not take into account all the emissions! Saying there is an excess of two-thirds excluded from the total gas carbon dioxide gas released.

The crisis with global warming is hard to ignore with the excess gas emissions not accounted for, which is the narrative. It is all about finding an answer to fix climate change; or an urgent emergency.

Thunberg also voiced displeasure with COP26 Summit in Glasgow last November. It was a massive public stunt and Bonafede failure as it is.

She lamented that the world's major emitters of greenhouse gases had not pledged to contribute resources to the struggle against global warming.

Also, the money now guaranteed, with the bare minimum from the so-called global north, has committed to providing. Disagreements will lead to not getting the fund for climate change.

In the backdrop of eco-politics, the Eco-Activist Thunberg pilloried Joe Biden for not doing enough. In her mind, all world leaders should commit to a green future.

Joe Biden, Renewable energy, Green energy