Futuristic weapons are the basis of next-generation warfare driven by the desire to possess the best armament that gives an edge to any nation.
In World War 2, the German Fuhrer had scientists develop the V1 and V2 vengeance weapons that spawn the rocket technology and give birth to the hypersonic engine.
Instead of bullets, there are Directed Energy Weapons (DEWS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is used on all kinds of unmanned vehicles. But more exotic and future-driven combat technologies are getting developed as well, reported Pocket-Lint.
ADAPTIV Camouflage
The system is linked to honeycomb that cover the exterior skin of any combat vehicle. It can heat up or cool down to look like the environment. By matching how hot or cold the combat environment is and fooling infrared and thermal sensors, it keeps infantry fighting vehicles initially invisible.
One use is to mark all vehicles in exercises to avoid friendly fire that cause fatal accidents.
T Ghost
Swede-designed tank is one of those futuristic weapons with the BAE ADAPTIV camo system to escape thermal sensors that pinpoint and detect targets. Designed with a light chassis and armed with powerful 120mm compact main cannon, it will have less recoil for better accuracy.
A quick and capable medium tank that is cutting edge with camo tech, moves fast and fires accurately on the battlefield.
MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System)
The system is a heavily armed bot developed to save lives and deal with scenarios that are too hazardous for people to undertake.
Machines are expandable so robots are the next best thing to saving personnel. MAARS is not welcome to many because of Terminator, but a soldier in the field will feel safer if this mechanical beast is part of the platoon.
It is capable and adaptable so it can accomplish tasks as long as it takes.
Thunder Generator
An exotic weapon that was thought up by the Israelis with PDT Agro firm conceptualizing and building the Thunder Generator. Inside a barrel, the machine would explode soundwaves that go transonic and generate a physical impact of pure force. Just like thunder, it deafens and knocks down anything about 100 feet away.
Ship Mounted Laser Weapon System (LaWS)
Similar to Directed Energy Weapon (DEWS), it is placed on a ship to generate power for a laser, think Star Wars. It has a precise painting of the target by a strong laser that burns up engines, and any target.
Lasers are cheaper per shot depending on the power available, also kinetic impact weapons are more expensive to use with limited shots too.
Soldiers Are The HULC
Called the Human Universal Load Carrier is a powered exo-suit with hydraulic assistance to improve a soldier's strength in combat. Carry loads far heavier and prevent exhaustion to fight longer on the field.
Black Knight Unmanned Combat Vehicle (ARCV)
It is another automated drone to assist troops or replace them in a life-or-death mission. It's a bit raw but the system is promising when evaluated.
These futuristic weapons from sound energy to laser light and robotic weapons with more on the horizon are the tips of the possibilities. Especially the HULC which is almost like Iron Man