Joe Biden Outmaneuvered by Putin Regarding the Ukraine Border; Russia at an Upper Hand Advantage That Washington Will Regret

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) shakes hands with US President Joe Biden prior to their meeting at the 'Villa la Grange' in Geneva on June 16, 2021. DENIS BALIBOUSE/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

US President Joe Biden lacks the state's craft to avoid getting trapped by crafty Russian President Vladimir Putin's strategical moves in the discussions about the explosive Ukraine border, with implications.

This is what ex-CIA station chief Dan Hoffman said, who hasn't 100 percent confidence that the ex-vice president could deal with the Kremlin leader.

He says that the White House allowed the discussion over the lessening of tensions as the important thing to settle the issue in their talks.

US foreign policy at stake

The ex-CIA chief stressed that the phone call was because Moscow asked for it with the president's attempt to appease the Kremlin, reported the Express UK.

Hoffman meant that it looked like that Washington was frantic to schedule the talks, not the Russian leader. Appeasement by Biden will backfire and make it more difficult.

Hoffman stated that the Russians had jumped the gun on NATO and US with a massive rollout of men and equipment to manipulate the tension on the border with Kiev. Russian then posted demands that the western alliance should comply with.

Also, how the Kremlin has manipulated the discussion is not conducive to the position of the US. Diverting the wrangling over issues tied to lessening stress is not the core concern, but it appears that way, cited Republic World.

Hoffman added if the west de-escalates, it will come at a cost if the Russian leader gets the concession, and NATO will not ever move eastward in Europe.

The ex-CIA man made it clear that all the actions are geared to keep Ukraine out and prevent Ukraine from deciding its fate.

Putin threatened by Ukraine joining NATO

Putin has objectives like refuting Ukraine's democratic push that is not wanted. Also, if Ukraine is allowed to exist in aspirations of becoming a democracy exists as a threat to Russia.

One claim says that the Russian leader wants to keep Kiev from becoming part of the European Union and a NATO signatory. Avoiding the influence of Ukraine's democracy that will breed opposition in Moscow.

According to CNN, both heads of state, in a 50-minute discussion last Thursday, highlighted what would be the consequences if the Russian forces steamroller into the disputed border.

Biden stated that Putin would suffer harsh sanctions if the command overrides the US and NATO-supported Kiev government.

With much bravado, the US leader told the Kremlin will be faced by NATO forces, with a price that will be paid, Biden told the press.

They agreed on three major conferences in January next year with the senior staff to search for ways to solve the border standoff. Expectations are high that something positive will come out.

But the White House is insistent on Russia in reducing the 100,000-plus troops at the border.

At one-point other points were discussed, and the US president said the US would not allow the Kremlin to do something drastic like invade the country.

Pressure has been mounted with the redeployment of troops to the border again, just as Hoffman said despite the talk between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin about the Ukraine border.

Washington is at a disadvantage in dealing effectively with the wily Russian leader who has used border issues to remind the EU and US who is in control.

Joe Biden, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Afghanistan
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