
Macron Gets Backlash From French Nationalists After Draping the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier With EU Flag

Macron Gets Backlash from French Nationalists After Draping the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with EU Flag
Kiran Ridley/Getty Images

French President Emmanuel Macron got scoured by his critics for replacing the traditional French flag on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

These were right-wing protests who thought using something other than the national flag was not unconstitutional. Many bloc members have misgivings of recent actions, like Poland, that weren't welcome.

French flag replaced with EU's

President Macron triggered right-wing protests that were outraged after replacing the French national flag that has long decorated the Soldiers Tomb with the European Union's flag. In several member countries, not everyone supports the EU, reported the Express UK.

Macron's presidential rival, Marine Le Pen, called for the immediate takedown of the EU flag.

In commemorating the presidency at the Council of the European Union, one of the bodies responsible decided to hang the EU flag. The Arc de Triomphe has projected the blue EU flag with 12 gold stars during the affair.

The EU flag was also projected on French government buildings and cultural landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Church, including the Louvre, which drew more protests.

Le Pen called it a travesty to have French landmarks covered with the EU's colors and not the national one as a serious assault on the national identity, cited Wion.

Adding the monuments and soldiers' graves is part of France, and they should be covered in the national colors. It should not be the bloc's identity.

Identified as a far-right politician who said that the French president is going against his presidency and ignoring history, all for personal ambition, noted Techno-Charger. Macron should have regarded the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with more delicate considerations.

French presidential aspirants' reactions

Le Pen, who is viewed as the primary challenger in this year's presidential race, alleged the French leader had given a "clear signal" to replace the flag.

In New Year's tweet, Macron's rival told the president to restore the French tricolor to the Arc de Triomphe. If the EU flag is not removed, Le Pen stated that she'd appeal to the state council, a legal adviser to the executive body, if he would not do as requested. Replacing the French flag is a violation, according to her.

Poland said that Brussels overreach should not intrude on the French constitution and its articles. But one more rightist presidential aspirant Eric Zemmour also added to the uproar. He called the replacement of the flag a travesty.

Clement Beaune, a junior European Affairs Minister, downplayed the controversy by insisting that the exhibit was temporary. He wrote on Twitter, "The National flag has not been replaced. The electoral campaign is not a free ticket for trivial lies and controversy."

Embarking on the body's leadership, the French leader has announced a program that will occupy the half-year tenure of Paris. It will define what he has done as the leader of France.

The year 2022 will be as he announced the historic turnaround for the bloc. According to the far right, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier should be recognized as French, not of the bloc, as Macron is in the sights of his opponents.

European Union, Eu, France
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