Joe Biden Tells the EU To Antagonize Putin as He Can Shutdown Gas Supply if the Kremlin Retaliates From Ukraine Blowback

Joe Biden Tells the EU to Antagonize Putin can Shutdown the Gas Supply If the Kremlin Retaliates  from Ukraine blowback

Joe Biden tells the EU to block the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that delivers a significant gas supply to the bloc.

The European Union, not Washington, openly dares Vladimir Putin not to touch Ukraine, or his action will affect the line. This comes as Brussels was excluded in the recent talks about the future of Kiev.

Putin proves he has control of gas pipeline

The US administration has chastised the EU and Germany for existing gas contracts with Russia and has advocated immediate action if the tensions with Ukraine escalate, reported the Express UK.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Brussels and Germany should be the ones to shut down Putin's pipeline. Even before he suggested using the Nord Stream 2 as a way to control the Kremlin, leaders of the bloc have considered its leverage.

For Germany, the certification of the natural gas lines to Europe is dependent on the decision of the Chancellor. Blinken only echoed what has been verbalized by EU members, and also, they are sore for not getting in on the discussion with Moscow.

It follows as European price of gas soared above 30% in the week, mainly to persistently low supply from Russia, stoking fears of an impending energy shortage, cited CNBC.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown Brussels he controls the gas supply flow as he diverts the flow for 17 days. Shifted towards the east, passing through the Yamal-Europe line, gas prices in the west skyrocketed as Joe Biden was making moves that might not please Brussels.

Even in Berlin, where there's been a hesitancy to use the project as the pressure in previous concerns, things are changing now that the alliance is split on dealing with Putin.

No deal to be made without Brussels

Analena Baerbock, Germany's foreign minister, went above and beyond Chancellor Olaf Scholz's demand to handle the pipeline as a private business initiative.

She called the Nord Stream 2 has geopolitical implications that they have talked about in a declaration with Washington. She went on to say that if Russia uses energy as a weapon or pursues its acts of aggression against Ukraine, then we will take adequate measures together with our EU allies, noted Newstral.

The EU told Biden they want a place in the talks and not be excluded from any decision-making about the fate of Kiev.

Baerbock is adamant that any move to ease the bloc from the discussion is not acceptable, and all security decisions should not bypass Brussels.

The US cannot take a cold war format because of the EU stake in the border negotiations. The EU's foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell told the press that no deal could be made without Brussel, and the US should know that.

US President Joe Biden made it clear the gas supply arrangements will be dealt with the bloc, as Washington just makes the demands.

Joe Biden, European Union, Eu, Germany
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