Russia posts its ballistic missile launchers and sniper teams on the Ukraine border as the threat of a rollout over the border is claimed by NATO.
The border is stiffly contested as the Kremlin tells the west the today stand down and stop the eastern expansion, which it has been doing for several years. One more problem is that Vladimir Putin is getting testy at the US and NATO and sticking to his guns.
Russia deploys troops, military equipment
More missile launchers were moving to the Ukraine border where the West is trying to win in the standoff, but the Kremlin is not budging one bit, reported the Sun UK.
Heavy weapons like the Iskander-M launchers were on trains rolling to the border. Moscow deployed snipers to the border to augment the regular troops.
Andrij Melnyk, the Ukrainian ambassador to Berlin, told of a vast conflict if the Russians would be ignored. Comparing it to 1945, and said his country should defend itself. He asked Berlin for arms to combat Russia if it invades as it has insufficient stores.
At the Kadamovsky training ground about 37 miles from the border, 100 troopers conducted sniper drills, cited Pipa News.
Included in the training were special forces in drills with the Arbalet-2 and Malva-guided parachute systems located in the Tambov region. Live tank round firing was done in the Mulino in the Nizhny Novgorod region for their crew's training. A total of 300 servicemen were part of the tactical drills.
According to the US, Vladimir Putin has deployed more than 100,000 troop and ballistic missile launchers and sniper teams at the Ukraine border.
Kremlin denies intent of invasion
On the other hand, Moscow has rejected any intention of invading Ukraine, insisting that it has the right to reposition military equipment and troops on its soil. Hitting at the West's demands which are moving its own on the other side.
Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokesman, added that some are crucial to the situation. According to him, it is what Russia calls security at the border. Repeating that Ukraine is not threatened, which is madness, but stress that if the allies push, there will be a shove soon.
The House of Commons Defence Committee chairman Tobias Ellwood MP said Kyiv is in danger of invasion as Ukraine blames Putin for the recent cyber-attack, noted the Independent UK.
EU excluded in border talks
Massed armor and artillery pieces are parked on the border, which gave rise to the fear of imminent danger faced with such a buildup. The allies believe that Putin would risk his force to capture a strategically indefensible area.
When Washington and the Kremlin held talks, the bloc was sidelined favor a cold war configuration. But later, Brussel's had its meeting with Russia in a Normandy setting after Joe Biden ignored them.
During all these discussions, Kyiv was left out and not consulted about its opinion. But most glaring is the voicing for support the US but will not send any forces because it is not a NATO member.
The Kremlin places its ballistic missile launchers and sniper teams to remind the west it will not back down from the Ukraine border and still push its demands.