
Joe Biden's SCOTUS Candidate Gets Support From Leftist Dark Money Groups To Secure the Nomination

Joe Biden's SCOTUS Candidate Gets Support From Leftist Dark Money Groups To Secure the Nomination
US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, with President Joe Biden, holds a copy of the Constitution as he announces his retirement in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, January 27, 2022, in Washington, DC. Joe Biden's SCOTUS candidate is supposed to be boosted by support from leftist dark money groups as the Democrats are in a rush to get their agenda approved by any means possible. SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Joe Biden's SCOTUS candidate, according to sources, will be securing the nomination with leftist dark money groups in getting the nomination that make it easy to influence Supreme Court Decisions. These unknown groups will spend millions to install the successor to Justice Stephen Breyer.

CNBC reported it as the president vowed to have a black woman as the next justice.

Democrats support Biden pick

This report mentions that the issue of the Demand Justice and Building Back Together advocacy groups will plunk in millions of dollars to make sure the president's choice will be next after resigning Justice Stephen Breyer, reported Newsmax.

Democrats need one more sympathetic Justice to their agenda, like federalizing elections, which allow them to rule unopposed.

Demand Justice Executive Director Brian Fallon told the media the group's sentiments, saying that the Senate should confirm Biden's choice fast. Still, his group will do and use funds to influence the outcome.

He stressed there should be a black woman in the US Supreme Court, which is similar to the racial politics practiced by the White House.

Stressing that the president's choice to nominate a person based on race and sex is a crucial criterion to be a SCOTUS. But, conservatives have panned the allegedly radical president for such a move.

The White House stressed in Reuters last January 27 how to choose. It is supposed to be a thorough process to select the successor of Justice Breyer.

Looking over the qualifications of the candidates in all aspects, leading to extraordinary qualification as the first black woman Supreme Court justice.

Conservatives would say 'black' is the most important qualification and would be partial to the current administration on all issues, not diverging based on what is right.

Support groups for the SCOTUS nominee

One problem with Demand Justice is that it's not willing to reveal its donor since it's not a requirement of any organization.

Actively trying to alter the Supreme Court and influencing circuit, district courts as their goal. The organization added it would support new judges who were former public defenders and others who represent the working class.

Groups like this fall into tax-exempt organizations that can eschew revealing who give the donations also called dark money organizations that have an agenda in mind and are not always for the good of America.

They can use up to 50% of the funds for elections and campaigns while escaping being termed a political group.

Many conservatives are opposed to this organization that wants more than nine justices as prescribed by the US Constitution; they want to ignore the land law because Donald Trump placed three conservatives in the SC.

The Democrats want free reign to push their agendas without opposition, even as far as taking control of elections from the states.

Another group, Building Back Together, wants to push a progressive agenda that most Americans have rejected. They want Biden out of the White House with a 33% poll, one of the lowest ever.

Joe Biden's SCOTUS candidate, who leftist dark money groups will support, will not improve how he's seen, instead making it worse.

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