Ex-White House Staffer and Policy Expert Alexander Vindman Blasts Joe Biden for His Non-Response Enabling Russia To Threaten Ukraine

Ex-White House Staffer and Policy Expert Alexander Vindman Blasts Joe Biden for His Non-Response Enabling Russia To Threaten Ukraine
Joe Biden gets blamed by Ex-White House Staffer and Policy Expert Alexander Vindman for failing to shore up an immediate response that would have avoided the Ukraine standoff. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Joe Biden got called out by the slow response in Ukraine by an Ex-White House Staffer and Policy Expert who said his mistakes led to the border standoff today.

The White House has not gotten its act together on how to deal with Russia's alleged invasion plans.

According to the Kremlin, the last thing it wants to do is to go after Kyiv, as actions are defensive.

A weak response may have sealed NATO's fate

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman used to work for President Trump as an Ex-White House Staffer and Policy Expert; claims the series of events set off by the president will impact the US and allies badly; reported the Express UK.

He added the White House tarried too long and was not prepared over the moves of Russian leader Vladimir Putin; who bested President Biden at every turn.

The policy expert was on the Yahoo News' Skullduggery podcast; he said the senior policymaker of the administration failed to see the threat; till it came too late.

Based on the duration of time to respond earlier in November and December 2021; if measures were taken the western alliance won't be outsmarted by the Kremlin.

What the US should have done is act more quickly to support Kyiv militarily with better weapons. The Ukrainian would be hard-pressed against a modernized Soviet juggernaut, cited the Daily Mail.

An announcement that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline would be leveraged against Mr. Putin; said, Joe Biden. Yet the window for deterrence might be too late, Moscow has leap-frogged Washington too many times said Mr.Vindman, a former White House Staffer and Policy Expert.

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One of the serious concerns is that the Kremlin will let loose a series of cyberattacks directed at Ukraine. Chances of actual militaries clashed between combats could spill abroad.

Head added that a possible scenario is probably not a hypothetical cyber-attack headed by Russian hacker groups. The online offensive will be an initial attack followed by a non-nuclear war.

Strategic targets will be disrupted; critical government communication and infrastructure, power grids, important utilities; that will cripple Ukraine.

Mr. Vindman remarked it will spill over as did in the past that consumed the US and Europe likes a machine.

The response would be needed as the US will act with its forces; raising the chance for more incidents like it.

He added if the conflict in Ukraine does happen; it will have a domino effect in both Europe and US. All due to how it was managed by the White House.

Should people be moving into Europe from affected areas and instability following a mass exodus to the EU, noted the New York Times Post.

Another outcome is that Mr. Putin could expand the Russian Federation to the Baltic states, but that is only a small chance.

Should the Kremlin want to annex more territory; the US government and its interests it has in Russia are affected.

Mr. Biden spoke about calling off the Nord Stream 2 pipeline with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz; who has agreed to the move. Any move by the Kremlin will involve the German-Russia pipeline.

Joe Biden has caused the Ex-White House Staffer and Policy Expert to speak about how foreign policy is very misguided now. To the point, the border is dangerous for the US and its allies.

Joe Biden