Joe Biden has been allegedly one of the most low-performing leaders to sit in the Oval Office, and he sinks the reputation of the US, which has paved the way to the disorder seen now. His decisions are pivotal to the problems in the US and the world at large, and US foreign policy is an utter failure.
Washington has claimed Russia will attack but has not given anything other than superficial proof. Instead, it has been provoking a war that could affect Europe.
Biden's popularity in rapid decline
As the president, it has been an absolute disaster in only a year, and Washington has been less than stellar on the world stage.
A Foreign analyst based in the US, Niles Gardiner, who was an aide to Margaret Thatcher, made blistering critiques saying the Democrat has performed less than anyone elected before him, reported the Express UK.
US polls show that after taking office on January 20, Biden's approval rate and everything is dropping, and the media is turning on him.
The survey numbers show a 40-percent approval which is the lowest rating for him. According to another survey with 39.8 percent approval, about 54.4 percent were against the president.
The Afghan withdrawal drove his rating down to less than 50-percent; before that, it was higher.
Trump's administration left a healthy economy, but due to misguided decisions of Joe Biden about economic matters, inflation rose to 7.5 percent, the highest in four decades.
Even the US stock market suffered from an S&P 500 index dipping to 5.3 a month ago. It was as low as the 2009 financial crisis, cited Financial Times.
America lacks strong leadership
Gardiner said that the president had made the US weaker that affected the free world seriously. In his term, crime has gotten worse and more murders are committed. Many are critical of how his administration deals with it. The analyst says that Biden is driving America into the group.
A leader needs to be accepted by his constituents, and the opposite would be deadly for prosperity. Biden has not admitted that his decisions led to US soldiers being killed, even leaving Americans to the Taliban's mercy. The failure can be compared to the Vietnam withdrawal, a major foreign policy mistake, noted the Diverse Bulletin.
America has no credibility due to its lacking strong leadership. It seems that no one trusts the US now, and its allies are wary while adversaries are getting powerful.
Gardiner called it unacceptable and an embarrassment that the Democrat who is way out of his league failed US foreign policy.
He called the US leader out of touch, neither realizes how crucial the US is in keeping the free world safe, but his actions are the contrary. The world needs leadership to guide it when required, lack of it has sent everything in a spiral.
Last Saturday, Biden spoke to Putin to convince his counterpart to stand down. Heads of state like Putin see him as weak and lacks statesmanship to steer from a crisis.
The White House shows a lack of understanding of the dynamic of European affairs and the dependence on Russian natural gas. Joe Biden has not shown leadership on the world stage, which has caused problems like the Ukraine standoff, Putin has just shrugged him off and dismissed him.
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