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Help! How do I Promote my Party?

The elections are approaching again and you would like to stand out? There are various ways of doing this. You can do a lot online, but there are also many possibilities offline. Read on and get started on your offline campaign.

Spread Information

You want your voters to know what you stand for. To do this, you can print brochures and distribute them. A brochure provides all the information you need, so voters know what you stand for. One advantage of a brochure is that your information is neatly arranged in a nice booklet. An alternative to brochures are leaflets.

Show your Party Logo

You want your logo to be visible from a great distance. You can use flags for this. You can use banner flags for instance. But you can also print beach flags. With flags your logo will be visible from a distance.

Hang up Large Posters

You know the drill. Around election time, you see billboards everywhere with posters of political parties. For this, you need beautiful posters that are of high quality. If you want to hang your poster outside on billboards, you have to make sure that your design is clearly visible. Fortunately, you can take posters with a blue backing. This way nothing can shine through and your poster remains visible.

Flyer, flyer, flyer!

You also need a mega load of flyers to promote your party. You want to put flyers through people's mailboxes. But you also want to hand out your flyers on the street to people so you can make passers-by think. So it is very important to have your promotional printed matter in order. In case of an election, it is better to have too many flyers than too few. Of course, you don't want to stand still.

Put up Stickers

Put up stickers. The usefulness of stickers is that your logo is visible. You can also place stickers with QR codes on them so that people can go directly to your site from their mobile phones to see what your views are.

Help, Party