Vladimir Putin warned NATO and the US that hypersonic missiles are ready to attack his forces or Russia, these missiles have been tested recently.
But the Kremlin will not hesitate to use it should the Western alliance creep on Russian soil or its allies.
The Russian leader is seen as a no-nonsense head of state who is willing to commit his deadly arsenal if needed; so far, the west has no equivalent weapon yet.
Russian Unstoppable Arms Feared by NATO
Fears that these super-fast missiles may come into play when the Kremlin ordered his armored divisions to secure pro-Russian loyalists in two rebel provinces under attack from Ukraine forces, reported the Express UK.
Countless Russian troops are camped on the Ukraine border in a tense standoff; the west fearmongering is now propagandizing that 6,257 nuclear warheads will be trained on Kyiv.
The west is playing Putin's rulebook, but still lacking.
Russia's ace in the hole in the arsenal of superfast weapons already on combat status; each is lethality personified.
Putin said that these superfast missiles would continue development and advanced weaponry.
Physicist Steve Hsu stated to Richard Hanania from the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology; his warning about these weapons.
Warned that the Russians have learned the technology and are also ready for lethal use.
Giving a chilling overall assessment that guidance systems, sensor packages, and the material to build them are strong enough to resist heat traveling at Mach 5+ with a plasma shield in the atmosphere, cited the Newslanes.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has these hypersonic missiles at his disposal to be nuclear-armed.
Read Also: Vladimir Putin Says Russia Will Do Anything to Protect Itself Against NATO, Ukraine Aggression
Moscow and Beijing lead the US lagging in these kinds of weapons research, sending shivers to the west. If the US did not stop the same research and development twenty years ago, they would be leading, but it was too expensive.
Russia To Conquer
President Putin's words come as tests for two intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) were done by the military.
One of the ICBMs or long-range missiles was fired in northwestern side Russia, and another is a submarine-launched missile located in the Barents Sea, noted TASS.
It was able to hit its target several thousand kilometers distance in Kamchatka's far eastern peninsula.
The Kremlin has often said it is a defensive build-up for Russia against NATO.
But the Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is getting worked up over an alleged invasion of Ukraine, or go for Kyiv as allegedly possible.
No matter what the Kremlin does, the west scream invasion that is making things worse.
Getting bad for Kyiv as Washington's goading makes it worse
These ICBMs, according to sources, can travel as fast as four thousand miles a second; in ten minutes, the target would be devastated.
Like the Ukraine capital in a minute will be hit; no way to stop it.
The news is that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has extra powers when an emergency is declared. He could enact curfews and signs that Moscow is allegedly planning to attack.
A former British NATO commander, General Sir Richard Sherriff, summed up the situation of Kyiv as dire.
He added nukes are not in play yet, but the Russians apply nuclear options and hone it daily.
NATO is facing off Vladimir Putin, who has prepared in advance, and hypersonic missiles are now the deadly element in play. The US nor NATO could not hope to stop it but chose not to deal with the Kremlin the right way.