Russian Missile Hits Residential Apartment in Kyiv During Attack as Russian Forces Hammer the Ukraine Capital

Russian Missile Hits Residential Apartment in Kyiv During Attack as Russian Forces Hammer the Ukraine Capital
Russia Starts Large-Scale Attack On Ukraine KYIV, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 24: Inhabitants of Kyiv leave the city following pre-offensive missile strikes of the Russian armed forces and Belarus on February 24, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Overnight, Russia began a large-scale attack on Ukraine, with explosions reported in multiple cities and far outside the restive eastern regions held by Russian-backed rebels. Pierre Crom/Getty Images

A Russian missile crash in Kyiv struck an apartment in the suburbs as Putin's forces launched a missile barrage to soften the capital. The missile impact heavily damaged the residential building when it struck.

Footage of the assault was captured, showing the ferocity of the assault reflected how the Russian army overwhelmed the Ukrainians in the storm of the invasion.

Russia Rained Missiles in Kyiv

Vladimir Putin's command to assault the Ukrainian capital was continued as the attacks happened on Saturday. Artillery and missile launches rained on the capital for hours, so intense that the locals were huddled in subways while soldiers counter-attacked, reported the Express UK.

One of the images was a missile that entered one side of a high-rise residential in the city center that went through to the other side, exploding. The local news agency reported the damaged building is in Lobanovsky Avenue, in Kyiv's Solon'Yans'Kyi district, cited India Today.

One of the affected residents said his family got out of the building affected by the attack, but his son and wife's legs were broken.

Immediately the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine claimed there was a comparison to the 9/11 attack as they shared a picture of the building and included the burning of One Trade Centre.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky posted a video to deny any report that he left the capital and abandoned his post despite his defiance of Russia. In the video, he said the Ukrainians would defend their country.

An invasion came after western warnings that threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion to stop the Ukrainian army from attacking two pro-Russian provinces. The Russian missile crash was one of these attacks.

The entry of troops from the north, east, and south ends of the country might upset the current world order of the US on top.

Putin said the vestiges of Nazism were a threat to a smaller neighbor, and the danger had to be stamped out, noted Times of Israel. He accused Kyiv of conducting a systematic elimination against Eastern Ukrainians who wanted to secede to Russia.

In typical western fashion, the Ukrainian leaders and the West called it unfounded and lacked basis. At one time, the Kremlin accused the West of hypocrisy when it referenced Libya and Iraq.

The United States' attempt to use the UN as a rubber stamp was defeated when Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution deploring its invasion. China would stay itself that other countries said Russia was alone.

Two countries, the United Arab Emirates and India, did not participate, while the 11 members left had voted for the resolution.

US Sends Humanitarian Aid

The White House requested$ 6.4 billion in security and humanitarian aid. Sources say that President Joe Biden told the US State Department to give $350 million as military assistance, cited Reuters.

The Ukrainian officials outgunned and undermanned asked citizens of Kyiv to fight Russian soldiers coming forward.

According to the Russian Defense ministry, air and seaborne cruise missiles were pounding military installations in the night strike in Ukraine. A UN aid official said that many civilians were in shelters to avoid danger, the Kyiv claimed 1,000 Russian troops were killed.

The exact number wasn't available, but the Russian missile crash was used to further the claim of attacks in the civilian areas. More areas like military installations have been hit by more missiles, including the dreaded Kalibr cruise missiles pounding targets with speeds of Mach 3.

Ukraine, Special Operations
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