Russia has increased readiness with nuclear deterrence forces after the Ukraine incursion with the Western alliance using provocative measures like sanctions.
No actual clash with NATO forces has happened, but man-held arms were sent to arm any Ukrainian willing to fight Russian troops. While no combatants are forced to fight while NATO sits back, these people give their lives as urged by the west and their leader.
Western Leaders Threat Against Russia
Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered nuclear forces ready if NATO decided to join Ukrainians in the fight finally, reported the Express UK.
He met with the defense ministry and chief of general staff, criticizing the sanctions directed at Moscow. The four days of the special operation will free Donbas and Lugansk from Kyiv.
Western media reported a body count of 4,300 Russians and 210 Ukrainian civilians, but an actual count is not verified yet.
During the meeting broadcasted with the Russian leader in conference with his generals, a decision was made to arm the nukes for a deterrent against the allies, with the highest alarm. Putin declared that Western leaders are making moves against Russia, airing threats against the country. He orders nuclear forces on a special duty regime in detailing atomic deterrence forces.
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TASS news agency reported in the official statement that top officials of NATO countries threatened Russia, making aggressive messages against the country. The Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff are authorized to introduce a Special Combat Duty regime.
According to Pavel Podvig, who serves as director for the Russian Nuclear Forces Project and Senior Researcher at UNIDIR, Putin's statement means business, and he is not fooling around. He said that the Kremlin has no other option considering the threat that Russia is facing.
Podvig added that any nukes that Russia will use are unacceptable from the US and NATO. Many say that nuclear weapons were out of the question because they might get serious.
Nukes as Putin's Last Card
Swedish radio journalist Loukas Christodoulou mocked Putin, saying that Putin tried cruise missiles but failed, then he used paratroopers, and special forces weren't effective. The Chechens sent by the Kremlin also were nothing. So now Putin is using nukes because it's his last card to use.
Last Thursday, when the rollout to free Donbas and Lugansk started, Vladimir Putin told the west to keep out. If they would even dare to intervene, the consequences they would face are dreadful, cited LBC.
Adding that Moscow is ready for any possibility, all the decisions have been made already. This time he meant business and suggested the allies listen now.
Furthermore, the Russian leader added that Ukraine and its people should not be afraid as they are not the target. The protection of Russia itself and the people who made Ukraine hostage are using it to hit back against Moscow and its people.
Nuclear deterrence forces have been put on standby by Russian President Vladimir Putin before the west can move its nuclear forces in defending Russian interest after getting allegedly strung around by western leaders.
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