
Former AG William Barr Says Dealing With Trump Was Like 'Wrestling an Alligator' After Releasing Bombshell Memoir

Former AG William Barr Says Dealing With Trump Was Like 'Wrestling an Alligator' After Releasing Bombshell Memoir
Former Attorney General William Barr likened dealing with former United States President Donald Trump to "wrestling an alligator." The former official's remarks come after he released his bombshell memoir titled, "One Damn Thing After Another: An Attorney General's Memoir." Photo by Michael Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images

Former United States Attorney General William Barr on Sunday stoked his recent feud with former United States President Donald Trump by saying that dealing with the Republican businessman during his administration was like "wrestling an alligator."

During an interview to discuss his bombshell memoir titled, "One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General," Barr recalled his experiences with the former president. The former official said that the Republican businessman liked to surround himself with what he called "yes men."

"Wrestling an Alligator"

In a statement, he said that Trump cast his net broadly and talked to a lot of people and noted that Cabinet secretaries frequently had to wrestle with him to be able to accomplish what they needed to keep on track. Barr said that they were generally successful but always struggled in their efforts.

The former attorney general said that after the election, Trump would just listen to a group of people who held no government position but kept on telling him exactly what he wanted to hear. Barr said that the former president was to blame for his decision, as per The Hill.

Barr also likened his time working with the former president as similar to "Groundhog Day," describing Trump as a "hyperactive generator of ideas" which he called generally "bad" or "legally problematic."

In an interview last week, the former attorney general suggested that he would again vote for Trump if the Republican businessman became the presidential nominee for the GOP in 2024. However, he also said that he would rather give his support and his vote, to someone else in the party.

"I certainly have made it clear: I don't think he should be our nominee, and I'm going to support somebody else for the nomination," Barr said, Yahoo News reported.

Barr's Bombshell Memoir

Early on in his memoir, Barr called election fraud a "lie." The former attorney general called the process a "fabrication" that has been repeated and amplified in media coverage throughout the election. However, the former official was not referring to Trump's incessant claims of voter fraud in the 2020 elections.

Rather, the former attorney general referred to an event that occurred nearly three decades ago when he first made his tour as the attorney general. At the time, the media misleadingly described former President George H.W. Bush marveled at a supermarket scanner as if he had never before come in contact with technology beforehand.

In December 2020, Barr resigned from his post as attorney general under the Trump administration for failing to find substantial evidence proving the former president's claims of voter fraud. Barr ended his bombshell memoir by describing the Republican businessman's post-election behavior as "puerile" and "dangerous."

Several chapters of Barr's book are devoted to issues that the former attorney general says are crucial to him. These include "taking on big tech" and "securing religious liberty" ("the civil rights issue of our time"). For example, there is one chapter titled "Bringing Justice to Violent Preadotrs" that offers insight into Barr's thoughts on the death penalty, the New York Times reported.

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Attorney general, Donald Trump, Memoir, Alligator, Wrestling
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