
Sen. Rand Paul Vows to Remove 'Dictator' Anthony Fauci, Introduces Amendment Against Joe Biden's Chief Advisor

Sen. Rand Paul Vows to Remove 'Dictator' Anthony Fauci, Introduces Amendment Against Joe Biden’s Chief Advisor
US-POLITICS-HEALTH-VIRUS Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) questions Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House Chief Medical Advisor and Director of the NIAID, during a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing to examine the federal response to COVID-19 and new emerging variants on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC on January 11, 2022. (Photo by Greg Nash / POOL / AFP) GREG NASH

​Senator Rand Paul has announced that he will file an amendment to remove Dr. Anthony Fauci as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, claiming that no one should be "dictator in chief."

Paul (R-Ky.), who frequently clashed with Fauci in Senate hearings over the administration's response to the coronavirus outbreak, claimed that petty tyrants and power-hungry bureaucrats have held American lives hostage for the past two years.

Sen. Rand Paul, Dr. Anthony Fauci Reignites Tension

Senator Rand Paul stated that the president will pick the directors of the three institutes, who will be confirmed by the Senate for five-year terms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the lockdowns did nothing to curb the spread of the virus, which has killed more than 960,000 Americans and driven the US economy into a spiral.

​Children were the worst sufferers, according to Paul, who were forced to wear masks in school and had their learning delayed during the last two years due to school closures. According to CDC data, emergency department mental health visits for children aged 12 to 17 increased by 31% between March and October 2020, compared to the same time the previous year.

The National Institute of Immunologic Diseases, the National Institute of Allergic Diseases, and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases would be separated into three institutions under Paul's proposal. The president would appoint and the Senate would ratify the directors of these institutes for a five-year tenure.

Throughout the pandemic, Fauci and Paul have had several disagreements, the most recent of which occurred in January. Fauci stated that Paul's messaging was endangering his safety, citing threats against himself and his family as evidence, New York Post reported.

Paul Vows to Remove Fauci From His Position

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 960,000 Americans have died. It has been distinguished by partisan conflicts over health laws such as lockdowns, vaccine requirements, and mask bans during the last two years.

When the extremely contagious Omicron variety swept the United States and other nations in late December and early January, public health officials advised Americans to use KN95 or N95 surgical masks instead of cotton masks, alleging that the latter were ineffective against the new strain.

For a long time after the pandemic began, US health officials advised Americans to cover their faces with anything they could find, except surgical masks, which were in limited supply and were required by hospital staff coping with a flood of COVID patients.

Since the pressure on them has subsided, the CDC has updated its advice to encourage people to seek out the finest masks available. Republicans jumped on this opportunity to accuse US officials of flip-flopping based on their objectives rather than scientific evidence.

In his op-ed, Paul also restated his claims that Fauci enabled NIAID to fund questionable gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, which he and other Republican senators have blamed for the outbreak. According to Paul, Fauci's indifference for the prospect of a lab leak is felt internationally when he declares that he alone would define and support dangerous "gain-of-function" research.

The senator stated that the most important lesson learned over the previous two years is that no single individual should have this much authority without checks and balances. He argues that his proposal, which will be voted on this week, would finally compel responsibility and result in the dismissal of Dr. Fauci.

COVID-19 instances are at their lowest level since last summer when the Delta strain wrecked President Joe Biden's planned "summer of freedom." According to the New York Times' tracker, there were 6,382 new instances logged on Sunday.

Over the previous two weeks, the average rate of new cases has dropped by 48 percent. Hospitalizations and ICU admissions both dropped dramatically, by 43 percent and 46 percent, respectively. In the same time period, deaths fell by nearly a third, or 31%, as per Daily Mail.


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