Russian President Vladimir Putin's remarks were on the money how he telegraphed his moves, and Joe Biden got played well.He added that everything worked like a charm, and the White House obliged, and now everyone is in a ringer. Everything that happened until now could have been averted but was unavoidable with Washington in charge.
Putin Plays Biden
According to Newsmax, Sen. Graham, R-S said that dictators should be paid more attention when they say something.
On Monday, he spoke as a guest in the Rob Schmitt Tonight, remarked Putin has stated multiple times and in a speech last year, saying he needs to recreate the Soviet Union. He called Ukraine is a bogus nation and also that he intended to obliterate Ukraine. Adding that a buffer is not wanted against NATO, the senator believes him.
On the issue of the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaking to Congress to establish a no-fly zone that would place the US in the crosshair of the Kremlin. It could be used if Russia nukes Ukraine and chemical weapons are deployed in the war.
Graham said that the Ukrainians are beating the Russians and giving the fighter jets they need. MiGs to assist the Ukrainians in air combat, including more anti-aircraft protection systems to help change the course on the ground.
He added diplomacy wouldn't work, and even thinking that the Kremlin will deescalate with the southern part of Ukraine is nothing but foolish to think.
Kremlin Hurting Biden
Sen. Lindsay Graham remarked the US president was not good enough, and he misread Putin. The US might not be so lucky.
One of the ex-KGB leader's goals is to remake the might of the old Soviet Union; this includes Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine as part of a bloc and regains influence.
He grimly said that if Ukraine is to be halved by to stop the war, it would not be enough, and in six months to a year, the country would be his.
Putin annexed Crimea, and now it's the whole nation. It won't end, adding that the Russian leader's actions spoke for themselves and the past.
While the Biden administration is apprehensive that an increase in the number of jets supplied to Ukraine might push Putin to strike NATO airbases, Putin is simply outmaneuvering President Joe Biden.
While the Biden administration fears the escalation of providing jets to Ukraine would prompt Putin to attack NATO airbases, Graham said Putin is merely outmaneuvering President Joe Biden, noted Foreign Policy.
According to the US senator, it is a bluff that the Kremlin will unleash doomsday; no one wins, but it was like a charm on Biden who tucked tail.
He also advocated taking out the Kremlin leader, which many called too reckless. Many believe Putin is harder to unseat.
But the senator remarked is that letting put get away with reclaiming Ukraine is the biggest crime in the 21st century. He said allowing Russia to get what it wants will warrant China, Iran to be more aggressive.
But it's a fact that Biden is weak and has been relatively useless, while Putin ignores him. It made the US look weak, and now all the countries against it are coming out.
Sen. Graham had expressed sentiments that the White House had appeared weak, unlike when Donald Trump said what he'd do.
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