China Eastern Flight 5735's two black boxes with information recorded were found in bad condition due to the aircraft's obliteration as it struck the ground.
Video of the doomed flight showed it dropping from the sky due to some unidentified malfunction. The black box is hoped to provide the cause of the nosedive, but it was not in good condition when people found it.
Black Box Found Could Provide Answers
Only one of the two black boxes has been accounted found from the China Eastern plane that crashed last Monday, reported the Daily Express. Of concern is how much data can be taken from the severely damaged recorder; the other should be more intact.
Everyone onboard the flight perished when the plane crashed nose-first in its deadly trajectory, it happened in the South part of China last Monday.
Investigators have no idea why the Boeing 737-800 dropped out of the sky, though answers are expected in the flight recorder of the doomed plane.
The crash site is in the Wuzhou forest as first responders frantically look for signs that someone might have survived the horrific flight. They found debris and bits of the obliterated plane, but nothing else was reported.
China Probes Into Cause of Crash
China's Civil Aviation Administration (CAA) confirmed that almost no survivors had been found yesterday evening, 36 hours after the dreadful incident.
The Chinese aviation safety office director for the CAA, Zhu Tao, confirmed to those involved in the search and even the relatives of the deceased passengers that no one has been found alive in China Eastern Flight MU5735 after 36 hours of frantic search and rescue, cited the BBC.
He added there is not enough data available to judge the final assessment of how the accident occurred in the first place. Air controllers said the passenger plane could not be reached in the final two minutes of those onboard, and no answer came from the flight crew.
Numerous Chinese families who had a relative in the doomed flight were struck with grief while waiting for news of any passenger or crew that survived the fatal nosedive, noted Kake.
Parts of the damaged 737 were found in bits and pieces, and the burnt belongings of the passengers were trapped in metal remains. State TV showed the remains of charred items like letters, bags, wallets, even IDs of the deceased that would take time to identify human remains are found in the impact site.
The last flight of MU5735 took off from Yunnan's Kunming and would have landed in Guangzhou last Monday in the afternoon.
As a precaution, China Eastern ordered its Boeing 737-800s to remain on the ground and has provided a contact hotline for inquiries about passengers on the ill-fated flight.
Reports verify the plane was an hour in mid-flight close to its destination when it nosed dived into the ground over Wuzhou. Tracker data of the plane show it dived 3000 feet in only three minutes before hitting the ground at a fast velocity. It descends 7,400 feet and climbs to 1,200 feet, and the last dive with a 96-second data burst and no more.
Many causes are attributed to how it happened, but no one knows how China Eastern Flight MU5735 ended up the way it did, but Tao said an investigation would follow.
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