Biden Promises Energy Shipments for Europe To Reduce Dependence on Russian Gas, Oil Supply

Biden Promises Energy Shipments for Europe To Reduce Dependence on Russian Gas, Oil Supply
US President Joe Biden promised energy shipments to the EU to lessen dependence on Russian energy, but the big question is, where will he get it? BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images

Joe Biden will provide energy shipments to the European Union as a solution to cut the Russian monopoly that ties the bloc, even the US.

Years of developing natural gas and oil have given Russian President Vladimir Putin a stranglehold on the bloc that has no alternative to turn to.

It can be noted that the US government was willing to deal with Iran, Venezuela when Saudi Arabia slammed its door to the US president.

Biden, Von der Leyen Announce Solution to Russian Oil Dependence

Washington and unidentified producers are getting tapped to supply liquefied natural gas for energy-starved European countries by the end of 2022.

As part of the deal, the White House says its sources can clear 15 billion cubic meters of LNG and deliveries rivaling Russia's capacity, according to the Daily Mail.

Biden and Ursula von der Leyen announced a joint task force to come up with solutions finding other options than the energy that the Kremlin allegedly weaponizes. The White House even provided a fact sheet to show it has a plan but no definite sources.

Sources say that it's a chance for a Democrat push to green energy and unrealistic climate goals, though it's a good nudge to the EU in favor of anything but gas.

More oil and gas are coming through. VDL reportedly told media that the bloc would need extra LNG and oil for two more years or two winters, cited 5 Chicago.

The National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan spoke to reporters that the Biden administration would deliver the energy shipments to the EU. One concern is that big oil producers don't mind the US president, Joe Biden.

It seems so daunting that the US wants to solve decades of the energy dependence of the bloc on Russia. These exports of gas and oil through Russian pipelines are cheaper, and the EU likes it.

The question lies in whether the US will find a way to provide 40 percent of gas needs, 27 percent of oil, also 46 percent of coal needed by bloc members.

America wants the EU to put more sanctions on Russia for moving in to stop an alleged all-out attack by pro-Ukraine forces, which is seen as an invasion.

Frustration on the side of the US is apparent as Brussel and its members won't commit because Putin can shut the gas tap, per Business Standard.

Hopes are high that adding more gas supplies would make allies go all out on the sanctions, which remains something to seem.

The EU Is Divided

The US president said that the EU is united, but it's far from the truth. The crisis brings about too many problems. A total EU embargo will take all 27 state members to make it happen, but risking energy security is something no one wants to dare risk.

Prices are more than ten times higher than a year ago, US exporters have already delivered record volumes of LNG to the EU for three months.

It might be harder to provide more LNG as a promise; sources as plentiful as Russia's are unmatched. Many facilities are at optimum output now; many of the needed infrastructures will not be ready yet.

Russia's gas pipelines have the biggest capacity, especially Nord Stream 1 and 2, Yamal, and one going to China. Energy shipment projected by Joe Biden depends on the supply and facilities he can use to achieve it if it can be done.

Joe Biden, Eu, European Union, Brussels