US President Joe Biden's approval rating is dropping like there is no end after it was thought his efforts to rally the allies just went and was a failure. It is sinking like the Titanic but worse as his hopes were dashed despite his new drive that did not connect.
People say he is a loose cannon that could not stop doing and saying the wrong things that even Brussels has distanced itself.
Biden's Approval Rating Hits Lowest Ever
Biden did not pan out when other world leaders got their people's approval. Instead, the 45th president got nothing, and a poll number showed it, as reported by Express UK.
British PM Boris Johnson got extra points after the Partygate scandal. The polling expert Matthew Goodwin posted on social media that Johnson is having a good war.
However, the US leader is allegedly gaffing repeatedly, giving his people sweaty palms. Both the voters and officials see a reveal that could spell disaster for the United States.
The latest NBC poll shows that Biden's approval rating is worse, from 33 percent to 40 percent. That is so sad to look at, and the Democrats are not happy with a few months left until the November mid-term elections. Comments by the station said that it's gotten to the worst since the numbers dipped so low.
About 55 percent, which is more than half of the survey respondents, do not want him to be the president how he's been deficient.
A staunch critic, Niles Gardiner, a foreign policy analyst and former aide to Margaret Thatcher, posted a scathing response on social media, mocking US President Joe Biden as sinking faster than the Titanic.
No one thinks the Democrat president has what it takes to deal with the ongoing conflict with skill; instead, allies are more worried each time he opens his month.
It cannot be denied that 71 percent call Biden less than competent and don't think it's the end of more problems for him, cited the Hill.
On the other hand, only 28 percent said they thought the president did well.
Biden's Response to the Russian Invasion
How America has been dealing with the Ukraine incursion of Russia is one error after another which has kept the White House on its toes. Recently asked by the media if he'll accuse Vladimir Putin of war crimes, the president said no.But recently, he called the Russian leader a war criminal after a question from the press.
In Poland, he went off-script when it shouldn't have been done, saying that Russia needed a regime change in one shot. What was said was on tape, but the White House made a spin of the gaffe-ridden president; said it was not ousting Putin but was still forcing him out of office. Moments later, the White House was forced to clarify that Biden was not referring to Russia's "regime change" in Russia.
Emmanuel Macron and Josep Borell of the EU criticized what the US leader said, calling it a go signal for a nuclear war.
The media poll says that the US president stays at home and does not deal with problems abroad. NBC's polling reveals Americans suggested Biden focus more on matters at home, not abroad instead. The poll reveals 68 percent said the economy should be a concern, while 29 percent favored stopping the Russia-Ukraine war.
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