The discovery of two giant blobs inside the earth has implications as stated by scientists to have the size of continents.
They are located in Africa and the Pacific Ocean according to data available to scientists.
It is found to be nebulous without a definite form lying inside the earth's crust.
What is it?
The blobs' roots measure about 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) underneath the crust, nearly halfway to the Earth's core, reported Sciencealert.
Assumed to be the source of "deep mantle plumes," which are rising plumes of hot rock that approach Earth's surface.
When the dinosaurs died 65.5 million years ago when these deep mantle plumes rose to the surface and caused cataclysmic volcanic activity.
Shapeshifting blobs control the eruption of kimberlite rock that draws diamonds formed as deep as 120-150 km; they reach the surface.
They are known to exist for a long time but how they occurred in the millions of Earth's history. One assumption of the study is the blobs would combine and break apart in the evolution of continents, cited Nature.
The blobs lie in the mantle, a broad layer of hot bedrock that lies between the crust and the center of the Earth. The mantle is solid, nevertheless, it flows gradually across vast lengths of time.
Nebulous plumes are known to slow down seismic waves that are an indicator it's hotter than thought.
Generally, giant blobs inside the earth are connected to the tectonic movement of the plates; but research is trying to know more about it.
The hypothesis of the blobs
One theory is that the current blobs have acted as anchors, keeping other rocks from moving around them for hundreds of millions of years.
Data collected points to these mantle plumes showing its form is in eternal flux since it was formed, noted Agu Pub.
We ran sophisticated computational models of how Earth's crust has moved over a billion years utilizing Australia's National Computational Infrastructure, mentioned NCI.
Movement called subduction is factored in simulations as the plate crash into another on the ocean.
The cold rock on the ocean floor sinks much further and deeper into the subsurface, pushing the hot blobs away at a depth of about 2,000 km.
One discovery is that these blobs can combine like supercontinents like now, but break apart over time.
According to research, the African blob formed about 60 million years ago, compared to other input that its form is ten times as long.
How did they come about?
Their origin is unknown but these plumes were formed in primordial earth; which differs from other periods of creation.
It could explain why the Earth's mineral composition varies from what is projected by models based on meteorite content.
Buildup of thick oceanic material from chunks of granite pushed down by tectonic activity could also explain the density of the unknown masses.
Although the blobs change position and structure throughout time, they nonetheless fit the pattern of volcanic and kimberlite eruptions observed on Earth's surface, which is a fundamental feature of the models.
Such giant blobs inside the earth need to be investigated more by scientist to ascertain everything about them; and how much impact it has on the geological aspects of Mother Earth.