
Gas Price Increase: Rep. Fitzgerald Claims the Biden Administration Invent Excuses To Deal With the Issue

Gas Price Increase: Rep. Fitzgerald Claims the Biden Administration Invent Excuses To Deal With the Issue
Representative Scott Fitzgerald called the gas prices rising the work of mismanagement done by the Biden administration, as he makes excuses and blames everything but his anti-oil policies. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Representative Scott Fitzgerald scoured the rise in gas prices connected to President Joe Biden's policies. High fuel prices have caused a fallout on the democratic party that is rampaging out of control. It does not help how the administration's effort to use the emergency oil reserve shows the desperation of the Biden White House.

White House Looks for Excuses for Gas Price Hike

Republican Rep. Fitzgerald spoke about his concern that the surge in fuel prices affects Americans, but all they get are excuses, not solutions for the plight of affected families, reported Newsmax.

He appeared on a program sponsored by NewsmaxTV, hosted by John Bachman last Friday; he was concerned that there is more concern about how the White House is not solving the oil crisis. The administration only wants a temporary solution to stop the issue, and not a means to produce more oil and natural gas.

The Republican added that Democrats from the House are trying to have the Biden administration move ahead. Even suggested that their meetings work out how to excuse the president, not blame him for everything else short of a crisis in the past year.

The White House has placed many Democratic lawmakers on the negative as the 46th president gaffes his way domestically and abroad. Fitzgerald says how they can support Biden with all the issues against him. They should be at a critical point with them where they return to the Republican message.

One proposal by Republicans is to reverse what the Biden administration did 14 months ago and return to what we saw under former President Trump's administration and return to being a net exporter of petroleum products for lower gas prices, which should be accomplished and implemented, cited Now Trending.

The Biden administration is out of touch with America, causing significant problems.

Democrats Push To Stop Fossil Fuel Dependency

The Democrats are crashing all over, trying to stop dependency on fossil fuels at all costs, pushing electric cars and other green alternatives. The congressman stated that nothing drives the Democratic party over the edge like the tainted Hunter Biden laptop owned by the doubtable presidential son. Once derided as fake news, the legacy media says it is real.

Republicans of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees are waiting to take a closer peek at all the activities of the presidential son regarding the laptop and follow-up. If a red wave hits the midterms and the House and Senate become the GOP majority, it will drive a probe that has been long overdue for a long time.

If the GOP triumphs decisively, it would place Hunter Biden under a probe, and the White House will be on shaky ground. The representative said, speaking more on the topic, that Donald Trump's phone record files from January 6, per a CNN report.

After the Capitol incident, an insinuation that Democrats noticed an eight-hour gap after the ex-president; became another failed attempt in a series to discredit Donald Trump.

President Joe Biden and his Democrats are always throwing something at the ex-President. Representative Scott Fitzgerald says the scapegoat for gas prices rising caused by Putin is not working; they need to do better, but it might be too late for the White House.

Joe Biden
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