
Border Patrol Union Suggest Governor Abbott Invoke Constitutional 'Invasion' Powers if Immigrant Situation Worsens

Border Patrol Union Suggest Governor Abbott Invoke Constitutional 'Invasion' Powers if Immigrant Situation Worsens
Border Patrol Union president said that Gov. Abbott should use constitutional powers because of the invasion of the border, which was indirectly caused by President Biden turning away. John Moore/Getty Images

The Border Patrol Union, composed of 18,000 agents, is unified in asking Texas Gov. Greg Abbott that it is about time to use constitutional invasion powers. According to them, the border crisis is not getting any better with the indifference of Washington.

Gov. Abbott bussed illegals to the doorstep of the White House to make his point that the president should do what is right.

Texas Border Patrol Apprehensions

A statement from Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said that they are at breaking point. Calling the flowing illegals as part of an invasion assaulting US borders, reported the Epoch Times.

He added when there are 200,000 illegal crossings and breaking the law each month, he said it cannot be called anything else.

Except for this past January, their apprehensions along the southern border have remained above 150,000 each month since March 2021. More than 220,000 people were arrested in March, according to statistics.

Last week, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents arrested 16 illegal aliens from other countries like Kyrgyzstan, seven from Kazakhstan, and a Russian in a large group near Eagle Pass, Texas, noted CBP.

Judd went on to say that they deal with countries all around the world, and many of them wish to destroy the United States.

Abbott To Use Constitutional 'Invasion' Powers

Judd adds that maybe the National Guard should be pulled in; they did kick them out of the border. Saying if the constitution allowed it, its power should be used.

Abbott, a Republican, had to declare the border crisis an invasion to use the state's constitutional powers of self-defense if the federal government had failed to do so. This is encouraged by the border patrol union, especially the constitutional invasion powers.

Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution says that each state in this Union shall have a Republican form of government, and each one shall be protected from takeover by the United States.

Another is Article I, Section 10 of the US Constitution states that without the consent of Congress, no state may go to war unless it is genuinely attacked or in such immediate danger that it could be avoided.

Texas is waiting for the opinion of Attorney General Ken Paxton to answer a question submitted by the state Rep. Matt Krause on March 28.

Krause wrote on social media with an official letter that the Biden administration has been so inadequate or apathetic to Texas's plight and other border states that it could be considered a breach of Article 4, Section 4 of the United States Constitution.

He sought an official opinion from the Texas Attorney General about whether the violation occurred in Texas. Paxton remarked that there is no timeline for when the opinion will be published.

Abbott has recently made headlines for busing illegal immigrants from Texas to Washington and stifling trade between Mexico and Texas to draw attention to the border crisis, cited CNN.

After the inconvenience caused by Abbott, normal trade was resumed a week ago. He halted state-run commercial truck inspections after reaching border security agreements with his counterparts in four neighboring Mexican states.

The Border Patrol Union wants the Texas governor to expand the constitutional invasion powers needed to better deal with the border crisis, especially if the government does not do anything.

Border crisis, Joe Biden
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