Russian Dare Devil Hangs Or Stands Off Tallest Ledges In Moscow Without Harness

A Russian daredevil named Kirill Oreshkin has been filming and photographing himself hanging from tall structures, terrifyingly without a harness, Yahoo News reported.

The photos, which are credited to the stunt enthusiast Oreshkin and show him in hanging at dangerous heights with some of the most breathtaking landscapes behind and underneath him, according to Yahoo News.

On Oreshkin's VK profile, a social media website similar to Facebook in Russia, he can be seen in all the pictures on some of Russia's tallest buildings either standing on a ledge, or hanging from it.

The most amazing thing is if the climber makes the smallest mistake, he could end up splattered like an omelette on the far away ground below him.

All of the pictures are taken in or around Moscow and some are positioned in a way that they might be difficult to look at for some, according to Yahoo News.

One of the most popular photos from the series shows Oreshkin taking a selfie with another friend while standing on top of a tower, Yahoo News reported.

In another, he takes a lone selfie and is positioned on the star above the main building at Moscow State University, according to Yahoo News.

When the building was constructed, it was the tallest in the world outside of New York City, and according to the University, the building is the tallest educational facility in the world at 36 stories high, Yahoo News reported.

Even more confusing is the lack of fear or anxiety in Oreshkin's face. In all the pictures he looks as relaxed as if he were laying in his bed at home taking a selfie.

A quick Yahoo! search yielded multiple photos of Oreshkin and his friends climbing the tower. His crew has posted videos on YouTube of his feats, and onlookers have also photographed and filmed him in the act.

Oreshkin has also hung off the 75-story Mercury City Tower and the Evolution Tower in Moscow, according to Yahoo News.

When Oreshkin climbed the Evolution Tower it was not fully completed, so he settled for standing on a construction crane more than 800 feet in the air, Yahoo News reported.