Many Americans have been eagerly waiting for another stimulus check to come their way as the free money is given to residents depending on where they live.
In the beginning, the federal government spent billions of dollars to distribute stimulus checks to all states and tried to get some to every resident across the nation. However, now, the financial assistance means you need to live in a state such as Maine where Democratic Gov. Janet Mills signed a $1.2 billion supplemental budget that will provide a wave of $850 stimulus checks among other things.
$850 Stimulus Check
The Mills administration on Friday set up a new website, Maine.gov/reliefchecks. This is the site where residents can go if they have any questions about their payments, which are expected to come out in June.
The new stimulus check package will give out $850 checks to each of the state's 858,000 residents. However, eligibility to receive the money depends on filing a 2021 Maine individual income tax return by Oct. 31, 2022, as a full-time Maine resident, as per Yahoo Sports.
To qualify for the said program, individuals must be making $100,000 or less, head of households cannot exceed $150,000, and married couples cannot go beyond $200,000. Furthermore, $150 gas cards could soon become available as well as property tax relief for elderly and low-income residents and homeowners.
Roughly $20 million of Mills' new package will go to fund community college education for eligible students who will be graduating between 2020 and 2023. The new budget received support from both Democrats and Republicans in favor of Main residents.
According to FingerLakes1, millions of residents from other states can also start getting stimulus checks worth $400 which is part of a $46.5 billion dollar budget for 2023 in Illinois. The bill was signed into law on Apr. 19, 2022, and the amount that each individual can get will depend on their tax filing status and dependents. Making less than $200,000 means you get $50, couples making under $400,000 will receive $100, while each dependent will be eligible for $100 each for a maximum of three dependents.
Passage of the Bill
Mills, who signed the bill at a Statehouse ceremony, called the passage of the funding a "victory" for taxpayers across the state. He also praised lawmakers for working across the political aisle in order to approve the legislation. She added that the relief package will help offset the impact of record-high inflation that has resulted in the rising prices of goods, ranging from gas to food.
During the signing ceremony, Mills said that what the budget showed was that through hard work and good faith, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents can come together to do what is right for Americans. The supplemental budget also calls for the provision of two years of free community college.
Roughly $850 million in surplus is designed to go to fixing roads and bridges, boosting spending on public education, and pumping more money into the state's retirement system and reserve funds. Another $60 million is also set aside for testing and remediation of so-called forever chemicals, KPVI reported.
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