
Russia-Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin's Battalion Gets Wiped Out While Crossing River, Satellite Image Shows

Russia-Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin’s Battalion Gets Wiped Out While Crossing River, Satellite Image Shows
Intelligence officials say Ukrainian soldiers destroyed nearly all of the armored vehicles of a Russian battalion attempting to cross a river in eastern Ukraine. BO AMSTRUP/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images

Officials claim that Russian soldiers in eastern Ukraine failed to cross a river, losing nearly an entire battalion tactical group in the process.

It's a sight of total devastation, with an attempt to flank Ukrainian defenses gone disastrous. The east bank of the Siversky Donets river, west of Severodonetsk in the Luhansk area, is lined with burned-out shells of Russian tanks and armored vehicles.

Russian Battalion Failed To Cross River in Eastern Ukraine

Pontoon bridges are partially constructed and protrude into the water. It's estimated that virtually an entire battalion of vehicles was lost; the number of personnel killed is unknown. The UK Ministry of Defense said what transpired demonstrates the mounting strain on Russian commanders in their daily briefing, as per BBC.

However, it appears like they are making inroads elsewhere, with rumors that they have captured the adjacent town of Rubizhne. Severodonetsk, a strategically significant city, would be besieged on three sides. If Russian troops succeed, they will have control of a number of river crossings, which have lately cost them so much. Military officers were spotted carrying and stacking bodies gathered in Kyiv and Chernihiv into refrigerated train carriages on Friday.

According to Volodymyr Lyamzin, the head of Ukraine's civil-military cooperation, the decision is in line with "international humanitarian law norms." There are also reports of refrigerated trains being stationed in other regions of the nation. Ukraine reports that 20,000 Russian soldiers have been dead. Since March 25, when it recognized 1,351 dead, Russia has not updated its death toll.

While fighting simmer in the east and south, Kyiv is holding its first war crimes trial, which began on Friday in the capital. Vadim Shishimarin, a 21-year-old, was charged with war crimes for the death of a 62-year-old unarmed man riding his bicycle down the roadside, which was caught in an iconic shot from the almost three-month conflict. If convicted, the young soldier faces a sentence of ten years to life in jail, The Daily Beast reported.

Russian Troops Engage in Humanitarian Crimes

As Russian soldiers withdraw from certain regions, a frightening image of the Russians' inhumanity in carrying out their merciless mission to wipe off the Ukrainian people emerges.

The UK ambassador to the United Nations stated on Thursday that "credible claims" of Russian soldiers sexually abusing minors were being collected as part of a dossier of suspected war crimes perpetrated in the pointless conflict.

Commanders are now attempting to retake control of the Donbas area, claiming cynically that this was their actual goal all along, but have so far failed to make any major progress in almost a month of warfare, with Kyiv saying Russia has suffered "colossal" casualties.

The military genius of the leaders who bunched up the battalions so close together, leaving them sitting ducks for Ukraine, was slammed by Russian military specialists affiliated to the infamous paramilitary Wagner Group of mercenaries.

As the number of refugees estimated to have left the fighting topped six million, Russia faced rising claims of war crimes in Ukraine, including the detention of thousands of individuals in interrogation centers.

The Russian incursion has also prompted a major policy shift in Finland, whose authorities said on Thursday that the formerly neutral country must join NATO "soon," prompting a stark threat of retaliation from Moscow.

Per Daily Mail, Russian soldiers have been accused of perpetrating crimes throughout the 11-week fight, including the killing of unarmed people, torture, and rape. The two men looked to be unarmed, and the troops frisked them before allowing them to leave a business on the outskirts of Kyiv, according to the clip.

According to the news sources, one man died at the scene and the other perished shortly after. The deaths, which occurred on March 16, are being investigated as war crimes. Separately, investigators and witnesses questioned by AFP on Thursday accused Russian forces of using a tank to shell a private residence in an eastern Ukrainian hamlet, killing three people.

According to the Ukrainian prosecutor general's office, the incident occurred on March 27 in the town of Stepanki west of Kharkiv. Denys, a 40-year-old local, said he witnessed the tank's barrel move towards him.

On Thursday, the UN Human Rights Council voted 33-2 to examine alleged Russian troop atrocities in Ukraine. Prosecutors in Ukraine claim to have received over 10,000 reports of alleged crimes. More than six million people have fled Ukraine with more than half of them heading to Poland. According to UNHCR, 90% of the refugees are women and children.


Russia, Ukraine
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