The British Foreign Office Conducted a Black Propaganda Campaign Directed Against Beijing, Moscow Between the 50s and 70s

The British Foreign Office conducted a Black Propaganda Campaign Directed Against Beijing, Moscow in the 50s and 70s
British Foreign Office sought to confuse relations of Russia and China via black propaganda, even going as far as Africa to give the Soviets a hard time. Central Press/Getty Images

Researcher claims that the British Foreign Office pursued black propaganda that spread fake news to China, Russia, and the Middle East, including Africa. The British agency is a secret unit seeking to stop the spread of Beijing and Moscow's reach as early then.

Allegations by the researcher who has access to declassified intelligence documents that outline these activities that included anti-Jew, racism, and Islamist ideals to destabilize.

Secret activities of the UK

Professor of international relations at Nottingham University Rory Cormac mentioned in the Guardian that these are among the most significant releases in the last twenty years.

It is now clear that the United Kingdom committed more clandestine propaganda than historians think, so these efforts were more systemic, ambitious, and offensive, reported RT.

The outlet revealed papers of these extensive and costly operations carried out covertly by the Information Research Department (IRD), planned by the post-WWII Labor government to counter Communist propaganda.

Cormac went on to say that the agency went far beyond simply exposing Soviet disinformation and that it was meant to mislead audiences to get the message via fake news.

The IRD had a separate, highly secretive Special Editorial Unit in charge of so-called black propaganda, a type of fake news that would seem to be created by a nation or organization that the actual creator wanted to discredit.

Some of the reports sent out to Western governments and the media alleged to be from independent institutions ran clandestinely by the IRD and tried to warn Western nations about alleged Soviet subterfuge.

According to the outlet, the British Foreign Office also crafted at least 11 reports published by Soviet state-run news services as black propaganda.

London wanted to sow disunity in the relations of Moscow and Middle Eastern allies via misleading news to destroy the Kremlin's reputation vis a vis their Arab allies. Causing unrest to stir up anti-Islam sentiment, cited the Daily Telegraph.

According to an alleged news story, Soviet military aid to Egypt during the 1967 Six-Day War with Israel was rendered useless after the loss.

British spies also faked pro-Islamist literature, including that of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that exerted considerable power in the Arab world at the time.

The IRD Wants To Drive Arabs, Soviets Apart

Derisive comments to elicit an adverse reaction faked by the British IRD was having the Muslim Brotherhood allegedly call Soviets bad names and the Egyptians as peasants reacting to Islamist superstitions.

London went as far as to make up a fake Muslim group, the League of Believers, which considered the USSR atheists and put the blame for losses against Israel as little faith.

This included causing anti-Jew sentiments, including leaflets encouraging Egypt to assault Israel, saying their armies should attack the Jews.

The IRD was active in Africa by portraying Africans seen as uncivilized by the USSR, including a forged statement in 1963 of the World Federation of Democratic Youth connected to Russia that called Africans primitive.

Declassified documents in 2021 seen by the outlet have proof of propaganda that the IRD had a part in the mass slaughter of Communists in Indonesia in the 1960s.

Cormac claimed in 1964 that the British PM Alec Douglas-Home told the IRD to go after Ghana due to its Moscow connection and cause racial unrest between Chinese and Africans.

It was allowed by then Labor Foreign Secretary Patrick Gordon Walker; Liz Truss has the same agency working in the Ukraine conflict.

Rory Cormac alleged the activities of the British Foreign Office in waging black propaganda against Russia and China to undermine them.