Pennsylvania County Disallows Ballot Drop Boxes, Driving Pro-Democrat Activists in Frenzy Over the Decision Before Primary Elections

Pennsylvania County Disallows Ballot Drop Boxes, Driving Pro-Democrat Activists in Frenzy Over the Decision Before Primary Elections
Pennsylvania county decides to reduce ballot drop boxes to just one after the election controversy. Mark Makela/Getty Images

Pennsylvania county commissioners chose to take away ballot drop boxes that were not well received. A crowd full of leftist political activists supporting the Democrat party demonstrated their objections. This is the decision reached by the commissioners a day before the primary election.

Ballot Boxes Not To Be Used in Primary Elections

Voters must take approximately 30 steps into the county building, enter through the same door, and proceed to the Board of Elections office, where they will hand their ballot directly to one of the workers instead of dropping absentee ballots in the dropbox three steps inside the door, reported the Epoch Times.

Someone entering the building should pass through a metal detector staffed by the sheriff's department. Critics argued that this helps make casting a vote too difficult and complex.

The county's solitary dropbox was only in place as of Friday when the commissioners voted on Monday. Drop boxes all over the US are suspected of fraud that changed the result of Presidential Elections 2020.

The film "2000 Mules" by Dinesh D'Souza includes government surveillance footage of people cramming drop boxes with multiple ballots in various locations all over numerous states, cited Newsweek.

Dozens of people were found putting multiple ballots into ballot drop boxes instead of one like now; during an inquiry by Pennsylvania's Lehigh County District Attorney's Office.

Voting Law Revamped

Gov. Tom Wolf's wife violated federal rules by placing her ballot in the same dropbox as his absentee ballot. Later, the governor explained it as an honest mistake.

Pennsylvania County legislation requires voters to mail absentee ballots or personally deliver them if they are going to be shipped, noted Penn Live.

Lancaster County did not intend to provide a dropbox for the primary election; however, the American Civil Liberties Union dragged to court the county last week, asserting that it failed to meet in the open to decide not to use dropboxes.

However, Lancaster County Commissioner Ray D'Agostino said that a judge ruled on May 13 that the ruling not to use drop boxes was administrative and did not need a public meeting.

The judge ordered the county to return to the status quo, defined as drop boxes. Commissioners to meet on Monday and vote on the county's utilization ballot boxes.

At 11 a.m. on May 16, two commissioners voted with one missing, a resolution prohibiting the use of ballot drop boxes in Lancaster County for this primary or any future election unless required by Pennsylvania statute or an official legal authority.

Commissioners took about an hour of public comment before voting.

In a group email, Duncan Hopkins, an organizer for the advocacy group Lancaster Stands Up, stated that the commissioners intentionally confuse voters ahead of an election.

Other representatives from several organizations like NAACP, League of Women Voters, Lancaster Democratic Party, and several more; asked for more than one dropbox in the county.

LaRock Hudson, political action chair for the local NAACP, questioned commissioners to show data proving that drop boxes cause voter fraud, quoting the resolution's mention of trying to prevent possible fraud.

Lancaster County used a dropbox for the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. The dropbox is placed near sheriffs in charge of building security. It has an election official observing the box at all times, and a camera monitors it.

Pennsylvania county is limiting its ballot drop boxes to only one, which has drawn the ire of the mostly Democrat crowd.