The US fires a hypersonic missile to show it is not afraid of Russia's Satan II (Sarmat) implied attack on London if forced to. It is a hardline stance taken to discount Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats.
The US Catches Up in the Arms Race
According to the US Air Force, an air-launched rapid response weapon has been successfully launched from a B-52 bomber. It comes after Putin stated that Russia's Satan ll weapon could destroy Great Britain, reported the Mirror.
The US Air Force has announced the successful testing of a Mach 3+ missile that flies at five times the speed of sound. The test was carried out last Saturday off the coast of Southern California, where a B-52 bomber launched an Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon, remarked the Air Force.
When the missile was launched from the aircraft mount, the ARRW's booster kindled and fired for the duration expected, attaining extremely high speeds that were five times faster than the speed of sound, cited Sky News.
The US is trying to catch up to Russia and China, who have a lead on them as they cannot stop these superfast missiles.
US military officials stated Russia fired hyperfast missiles at targets in Ukraine, and China tested Mach 3+ weapons. In October, China's foreign ministry denied undergoing a weapons test.
Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted about Russia's unstoppable Sarmat ballistic missile, which could destroy an area as big as the United Kingdom.
This Russian ICBM has a range of 11,000 miles and is armed with ten warheads as well. Due to the provocativeness of the US hypersonic missile test, the Kremlin warned there would be an extreme reaction. Putin promises that London will be the Satan IIs target.
NATO Causes More Trouble
To stress that Putin is not joking about flattening Helsinki if it joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Aleksey Zhuravlyov, deputy chairman of the Russian parliament's defense committee, pointed out it will take ten seconds to hit, noted the Daily Mail.
His rash threats came as senior Russian officials seemed frustrated with Putin's lack of military advances in Ukraine and outraged by the show of strength of Western unity against them.
In an interview, Zhuravlyov, 59, stated that if the Finns join NATO, the goal is valid to question the existence of this state. The above makes sense. Should the United States threaten our state, it's good: here is the Sarmat for you, and there will be nuclear ashes from you if you think Russia should not exist.
If the US threatens the state, it's a positive factor: here is Sarmat for you, and there will be nuclear ashes from you if you genuinely think Russia should not exist. He added if Finland wants to side with the US, then get it in line for a nuclear attack.
Furthermore, Russia does not need to move its nuclear weapons near the Finnish border; they have enough range to hit the northern country.
Russia Warns To Launch ICBM
Russia designed the Sarmat ICBM to even strike from Siberia, capable of reaching the UK from there. Deployed from Kaliningrad, the hyperfast missile can reach in 200 seconds.
Following the test launch of the ballistic missile last month, Putin released a frightening warning to the West, displaying a "big, major moment" for Russian defensive strategy.
Sarmat, he added, will protect Russia from external threats and make those who use inflammatory rhetoric to intimidate our homeland will think twice. Testing a hypersonic missile and at the same time discounting the Satan II threat of nuking the UK.