
Pentagon: Harpoon Launcher, More High-Tech Weapons Coming to Ukraine Amid War With Russia

Pentagon: Harpoon Launcher, More High-Tech Weapons Coming to Ukraine Amid War With Russia
As Ukraine strives to fend off Russian aggression, support is pouring in from all around the world, and the US is leading the international community in the next moves. SAUL LOEB / AFP

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters that almost 50 defense officials from across the world met Monday and decided to deliver more modern weaponry to Ukraine, including a harpoon launcher and missiles to protect its shore.

And according to Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, low-level discussions are taking place about how the US may need to change its training of Ukrainian forces and whether some US soldiers should be stationed in Ukraine.

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Before the battle, the US withdrew its few troops from Ukraine and had no intentions of deploying combat forces. Milley's remarks left open the idea of troops returning for embassy protection or other non-combat duties. The US embassy in Kyiv has partially reopened and is re-staffing, raising concerns about whether the US. will re-enter a Marine security force to assist in protecting the embassy, or whether alternative measures should be examined

When asked if US special operations soldiers might enter Ukraine, which authorities have denied, Milley responded that "any reintroduction of US forces into Ukraine would require a presidential decision." So we're still a long way from anything like that."

Austin declined to clarify whether the US will supply Ukraine with high-tech mobile missile launchers, as the country has asked. However, Austin stated that 20 governments confirmed on Monday that they would deliver additional supplies of security support to Ukraine as its conflict with Russia enters its third month, according to Associated Press via MSN.

The United States and other nations have been training the Ukrainian military in neighboring European countries. Austin said that the Czech Republic recently supplied assault helicopters, tanks, and rockets and that Italy, Greece, Norway, and Poland announced fresh artillery systems and ammo deliveries on Monday.

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According to Austin, Ukraine officials expressed their security concerns during the virtual discussion. And he claimed they are in line with what has been discovered in recent weeks: long-range artillery and missile systems, armored personnel carriers, and drones.

Milley offered the most detail on the expanded US presence in Europe since Russia's invasion in late February. Last autumn. There were around 78,000 US soldiers in the region at the time, and that number has now increased to 102,000, which includes 24 surface ships, four submarines, 12 fighter jet squadrons, two combat aviation units, and six Army brigade combat teams, as well as division and corps command, as per ABC News.

Meanwhile, a Russian ambassador is said to have resigned in protest of President Vladimir Putin's aggressive war on Ukraine, as well as the country's foreign ministry's warmongering, falsehoods, and hostility. UN Watch, a non-profit organization devoted to holding the United Nations accountable to its core values, released Boris Bondarev's resignation letter.

Bondarev stated on that date that Putin's war against Ukraine, and indeed the entire Western world, is not only a crime against the Ukrainian people but also, perhaps, the most serious crime against the Russian people, All dreams and ambitions for a thriving free society in our country have been crossed out with a bold letter Z, Fox News reported.

Russia, Ukraine, Us, Pentagon
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