Exhaustion Helps Make Right Health Decisions: Study

A latest study reveals that people generally make right health decisions when they are exhausted.

Researchers conducted five experiments to see how people use 'self-protective motivation' to avoid any danger and also studied consumer behavior toward products that highlighted safety.

In one study, the participants were told to read a health message that stated the dangers of kidney disease and advocated the benefits of early detection. It further stressed on the risks associated with a family history of kidney disease.

The study findings revealed that people who were tired and had a family history of kidney disease showed more interest in getting tested. Those without a family history of kidney disease expressed low interest in being tested regardless of how they were feeling, researchers stated in a news release.

For the second study, the researchers focused on product selection. They told the participants to fill out a questionnaire on health and fitness habits either before or after working out at a gym. They were also told to choose either sunblock or moisturizer as a thank you gift. The researchers found that participants chose sunblock over moisturiser after the work out.

Authors Monika Lisjak (Erasmus University) and Angela Y. Lee (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University) say that people are more motivated to engage in healthful behavior when they are feeling tired and exhausted and perceive their safety to be at stake.

"Consumers value products that emphasize safety features more when they are feeling depleted. Retailers may benefit from placing safety-related products near the checkout or running ads for security-related products at the end of the day," the authors stated.

The new study has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research.