Oklahoma City: Police Arrests Man After Threatening To Commit Massive ‘Act of Violence’

Oklahoma City: Police Arrests Man After Threatening to Commit Massive ‘Act of Violence’
Oklahoma city police said that they have arrested a man after he made threats to commit a "large scale act of violence" following a series of tragic incidents in the United States. The suspect, identified as Kirk Brittan, said he tried to buy guns to kill politicians. Pexels / Donald Tong

The Oklahoma City Police Department (OKCPD) has arrested a man who is said to have made plans to conduct a "large scale act of violence" following a series of tragic incidents in the United States.

Personnel from the Oklahoma City Police said that they were responding to calls to Oakwood Springs medical facility on May 22. Police said that Kirk Brittan admitted to having possession of guns, ammunition, and survivalist manuals inside his vehicle.

Large Scale Act of Violence

Police officers said that they searched the suspect's car and found an AR-15 style upper receiver that appeared to fire a golf ball, several hundreds of ammo, and several copies of the Anarchist Cookbook and a Poor Man's James Bond book. The books contain information on how to make homemade explosives and detail firearms training and military-style tactics.

In an interview, police said that Brittan confessed to attempting to purchase a gun to kill politicians but was denied when he made a statement to the seller about using them to kill politicians. Law enforcement personnel added that the suspect admitted to being in possession of at least one additional rifle and pistol and wanted to kill people in a similar fashion to the Buffalo mass shooting, as per OKCFOX.

Police said that Brittan also admitted that he previously plotted to steal an aircraft and crash it into a building in an attack similar to the Sept. 11, 2001, tragedy. In a search warrant affidavit, law enforcement said that the suspect was believed to have taken steps to follow through with his plans to execute an act of violence by purchasing firearms accessories, ammunition, and the above-described manual.

They added that investigators went through records and discovered that Brittan had a long history of mental health interventions. In relation to the incident, police also searched for the suspect's home to investigate.

According to KFOR, the director of the Behavioral Health Clinical Program at INTEGRIS Health, Allie Friesen, said that in this day and age, there was no choice but to take such threats seriously. They said that typically, people who participate in acts of violence are suffering from severe mental health concerns or are under the influence of another substance.

Series of Tragic Shootings

Friesen said that when actual acts of violence occur, they are only the tip of the iceberg, noting that there are a lot of indicators, a lot of markers that happen before the actual act is conducted. The suspect was also found to be a former Commercial FAA Pilot and specifically confessed to wanting to assassinate Bernie Sanders.

Court documents showed that the investigation into Brittan's home resulted in the seizure of a pistol and nearly 150 rounds of ammunition as well as a hard drive, iPad, and computer. Now, authorities charged the suspect with Endeavor to Perform an Act of Violence and Devise a Plan to Cause Serious Injury or Death.

The arrest of the Oklahoma man comes after a series of tragic incidents that have left the United States in tatters. An 18-year-old gunman fatally shot 19 students and two teachers at Robb elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. Prior to that, a white supremacist opened fire inside a supermarket in a mostly Black neighborhood, killing 10 Black people, The Guardian reported.

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