American Mercenaries Claims Unfavorable Conditions in Ukraine Causes Many Volunteers To Go Home

American Mercenaries Claims Unfavorable Conditions in Ukraine Causes Many Volunteers To Go Home
The Washington Post published a story about how American mercenaries escaped Ukraine after the Ukrainians misrepresented them. This photograph taken on May 7, 2022, shows Ukrainian soldier Glib Stryzhko, 25, during an interview with AFP in Zaporizhzhia, in Ukraine. DIMITAR DILKOFF/AFP via Getty Images

The Washington Post details that American mercenaries who joined Ukraine said the Russian forces overmatched them and other volunteers of different nationalities. Many recall the inaccuracies by Kyiv and chose to abandon their positions and were upset after telling The Washington Post.

American Fighters Goes Back Home From Ukraine

The newspaper's shift in perspective represents Kyiv gaining the upper hand. Now, mainstream conflict disclosure in the United States and the United Kingdom reveals that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is spreading a lie, reported RT.

Many of the fighters interviewed said they had less equipment and weapons and, worse, there was no secure way to reach other units.

One US mercenary, Dakota, asked to be called by his first name only to protect him and his family. As an ex-Marine Corps veteran, he joined after Russia entered the Donbas in February, cited Mass News.

Dakota and other volunteers in the Ukraine forces were helping and training how to use the US-made anti-tank Javelin missiles.

First-hand Accounts of American mercenaries

When Dakota and his unit were sent to an unnamed town northwest of Kyiv in early March, they encountered Russian barrages. He complained that the Javelins were unusable due to the lack of batteries to the launch units.

For two nights, their unit came under heavy bombardment causing eight of the twenty-man unit to abandon their positions. Some resorted to desperate measures like breaking their weapons to be declared battle damage, while others pretended to be hurt.

The US mercenary was sent home after having a brain injury from the fighting. Dane Miller, another US army veteran who did not participate in the actual battle in Ukraine, assisted in assessing prospective foreign fighters' military documents in Poland.

He reveals that some lied about their military experience; many American mercenaries who wanted to fight weren't real combat veterans. Others had only limited counter-insurgency operations that were sent back and dissuaded from joining the Ukraine war, mentioned the Washington Post.

In an interview with a German veteran named Pascal, he related that a 22-year-old US Marine, Willy Joseph Cancel, was slain in late April in Nikolayev City in South Ukraine.

The German added that it was terrible from the start due to the suspicious radios they were using that was being tapped by Russian forces. It got worse with few batteries fighters had to use mobile phones and WhatsApp because of an equipment shortage. He was alarmed when the plans were sent to other units via unsecured means, and next would come metal rain from enemy units via artillery barrage.

Pascal expressed that the Ukrainians had lied about how they were getting hammered by Russian forces without knowing intel on Russian positions.

Pascal claimed that Cancel was killed by an artillery attack that could have been from a Ukrainian position, but due to no radio communication, it cannot be verified. Pascal expressed they could not win, and they were cannon fodder. The account by the German is not verified so far; how Cancel died and his body has not been found.

Another would be mercenary, Texas, a Ukrainian-born US citizen who said that escaping death in Ukraine made life dull in the US, adding that he wants to fight again.

Ukrainians duped mercenaries from many countries to fight for them, and some are POWS now. Several nationals from the UK and Morocco, who were captured, could be executed by the DPR on Friday. The American mercenaries and volunteers, who have joined Ukraine, claim Kyiv misrepresented them and imperiled them.

Washington Post, Ukraine, Cancel, Dakota