
Michael Avenatti Prison Sentence: Here’s the Punishment for Ex-Lawyer After Stormy Daniels Scandal

Michael Avenatti Prison Sentence: Here’s the Punishment for Ex-Lawyer After Stormy Daniels Scandal
A District Judge has sentenced Michael Avenatti to four years in prison as punishment for his involved in the Stormy Daniels scandal. The ex-lawyer is also serving a 30-month jail time for extorting millions of dollars from Nike in February 2020. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Michael Avenatti's prison sentence comes out to be for years in prison for his involvement in defrauding Stormy Daniels, the client who made the ex-lawyer a fixture on cable and a speculative candidate for public office.

Daniels' current lawyer, Clark Brewster, said it has already been three years since his client discovered what Avenatti had done. He added that the regularly accepted theme was that the suspect was a great lawyer, but his legal scholarship based on the cases they took over was in doubt.

Michael Avenatti Prison Sentence

Avenatti, who was seen in beige prison garb over a long-sleeved white T-shirt, entered court shackled at the ankles. The judge denied Avenatti's request to wear a suit to his sentencing hearing.

The former lawyer has been convicted of wire fraud and aggravated identity theft for stealing from Daniels, his former client, about $300,000 that she was supposed to receive in connection with a book contract. Prosecutors said in a sentencing memorandum that the suspect stole from Daniels to support his own business and fund his lifestyle, as per ABC News.

Prosecutors added that Avenatti did so despite presenting himself to the world as Daniels' champion and defender. It was also despite using that feigned credibility to secure fame and pursue political influence in the United States.

Avenattie allegedly exploited his position of trust and authority as an attorney, forged his client's signature, and lied to his client and others repeatedly and callously for several months. The judge allowed the suspect to serve about half of his sentence at the same time he served prison time for a separate conviction for trying to extort millions from Nike in February 2020.

According to CNN, District Judge Jesse Furman called Avenatti's conduct "so brazen and egregious," adding that the suspect took advantage of a vulnerable victim. The former lawyer is already serving his 30-month prison sentence for his previous crime.

Stormy Daniels Scandal

Avenatti is scheduled to go on trial next month in California on charges that allege he embezzled $10 million in settlement funds from at least five different clients. Authorities also charged him with tax fraud and bankruptcy fraud, but he pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Furman said that despite serving part of his four-year sentence with his Nike prison time, he would be required to serve an additional two and a half years afterward. The ex-lawyer was also ordered to pay $148,750 to Daniels and $297,000 to the United States.

During the sentencing hearing, Avenatti choked up at times as he addressed Judge Furman, saying that he has brought embarrassment and ridicule upon himself and innocent third parties, including his family, children, friends, and the legal profession. The individual added that he had destroyed his career, his relationships, and his reputation and had done collateral damage to his family and his life.

Avenatti also added that there was serious doubt as to how or if he will be able to recover any semblance of normal life or peace after serving his prison sentence, the New York Post reported.

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