Shia LeBeouf Opens New Art Installation In Los Angeles Featuring Him And His Brown Bag

Shia LaBeouf has become an art installation using a the same prop he wore to the Berlin Film Festival: a brown paper bag with two eyeholes and the phrase "I Am Not Famous Anymore" written on it, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

In installation at an art gallery in Los Angeles opened to the general public on Tuesday shortly after LeBouf tweeted the hashtag "IAmSorry, the same name of the installation, THR reported.

A press release unveiling the performance art show reads: "Shia LaBeouf is sorry. Sincerely sorry. He will be in situ at 7354 Beverly Boulevard for the duration. Implements will be provided. Free admission," according to THR.

The #IAmSorry show is a collaboration between LaBeouf, performance artist Nastja Sade Ronkko and Turner and will run from Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m, THR reported.

Visitors can arrive at the gallery and after being let in, a woman seated behind a table invites visitors to choose one object from a selection of "implements," according to THR.

According to a report obtained by THR last month, the objects visitors can choose from symbolize LaBeouf's major films: a whip (Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull) and several Transformers toys, a bowl of Hershey's Kisses, a pair of pliers, a bottle of Brut cologne, a bottle of Jack Daniels and a bowl of folded up notes containing Twitter comments about LaBeouf, THR reported.

After choosing from the objects, the visitor is led into another room where LaBeouf sits at a small wooden table wearing the brown paper bag, according to THR.

According to THR who visited the gallery on Tuesday, LaBeouf never broke eye contact during the one-on-one, but responded with total silence to a series of questions. LaBeouf's only reaction came at the very end, in the form of a nodded acknowledgment after being thanked for the experience.