Germany Ignores Zelensky, Worries Arms Shipment Could Worsen Russia - Ukraine Conflict

Germany Ignores Zelensky, Worries Arms Shipment Could Worsen Russia - Ukraine Conflict
Berlin does not have confidence in Zelensky that the arms shipments would not be used to attack Russia as he seemed desperate for a decisive victory over many losses that threatened him. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz prepares to welcome his guest, the Chairman of Ukraine's unicameral parliament (Verkhovna Rada), on June 3, 2022 at the Chancellery in Berlin. JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images

Zelensky has criticized Berlin in shrill rants over Germany's refusal to give in to his demands, but lack of trust is the issue.

Another is that Germany does not want a repeat of the invasion of Russia in World War Two with their tanks involved, said Der Speigel.

German Pressured To Send Arms to Ukraine

According to unnamed officials, Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government is worried that if Ukraine manages to win more than one stunning victory, that will become overly confident and initiates an intrusion into Russian territory, reported RT.

A similar development would imply that German tanks will again be within Russia, Der Spiegel stated on Friday, referring to Nazi Germany's 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union.

There is no way that Germany will even think that Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine will keep his word; he will likely be tempted to test Vladimir Putin's red line. This is why their defense industry will deliver tanks that will worsen tensions, despite Kyiv's tantrums.

Countries that have given tanks to Ukraine are Poland and the Czech Republic, but the US, UK, and France have begged off.

Even though a tank embargo never was addressed at the NATO level, an informal deal was reached between Washington, London, and Paris, according to sources, that Berlin would not deliver the arms shipments to Ukraine for historical reasons, noted Alahed News.

Chancellor Scholz is the target of pro-Zelensky politicians and analysts who are pressuring him to help a Ukraine government that cannot be trusted.

Also, these sold on Kyiv say that the Chancellor has been forced into military aid for a regime that has allegedly made-up propaganda they are winning; that only reinforces that these arms are not fully utilized.

Despite what critics say of Germany, Kyiv was given lighter arms and lessened shipment over a period since late February. Welt am Sonntag stated that two shipments were between March 30 and May 26, noted Politico.

Germany Delays Arms Delivery

Germany declared the shipment of heavy weapons, such as 30 Gepard anti-aircraft vehicles, seven Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzers, and four MARS II multiple-launch rocket systems, although they have yet to turn up.

Scholz said that his government will be sending one unit of ultra-modern IRIS-T air defense systems but does not have it ready for delivery due to a problem with the manufacturer. A report said Kyiv might have it by November while Russia is gaining more territory.

The outlet said that German intelligence thinks the Ukrainian forces will be routed and defeated in the Donbas as they are losing now and that Putin will control that area by August.

President Zelensky is getting desperate as Russia advances, and the military losses will impact him and the cabal supporting him.

If Ukraine implemented the Minsk agreement, that should have given the DPR and LPR special status, as negotiated by France and Germany. Vladimir Putin will not have ordered the special mission, and no energy or food insecurity will happen.

Keeping neutrality as the Kremlin demanded would avoid the turmoil of western aggression against Moscow. But worse is that Ukraine says it would not have attacked the Donetsk and Lugansk when the Russians alleged evidence.

Berlin denies Zelensky these arms shipments of heavy weapons that might be used to pull Germany into a repeat of the invasion of Russia in the 1940s; Scholz doubts the Ukrainian leader.

Berlin, Germany, Ukraine