Twitter Is Quietly Testing A New Look For The Site

Mashable announced that Twitter is testing a major profile redesign that's very reminiscent of Facebook and Google+.

Mashable assistant features editor Matt Petronzio realized that on Tuesday there was a huge update to his Twitter profile containing a very similar layout to that of Facebook, with the main picture and bio placed to the left.

The there is also a new tweet stream which is different from its signature look, according to Mashable.

The new layout places more focus on photos and content cards and moves away from a strictly vertical timeline, Mashable reported.

It's normal for Twitter to quietly test new features and design updates before tweaking or rolling it out to a larger user base, according to Mashable.

These "experiments" are typically carried out in within a small and random group of users, Mashable reported.

The count for tweets, photos/videos (a new category called out on the profile), who you are following, followers, favorites and lists all appear under the header photo in the test layout, according to Mashable.

Another big change is unauthorized users now have the option for their stream to show "Tweets" and "Tweets and replies" for every user, a feature which was typically reserved for those with the blue check mark, Mashable reported.

Users chosen to participate in testing site will view other users profiles in the same layout, according to Mashable. This means that even if your Twitter page isn't a part of the test, users chosen for the test site can see what yours will look like.

The recommended header photo size in the test version is 1500 x 500 pixels, up from 1252 x 626 in the current design, meaning users will have to change their pictures so they do not appear stretched, Mashable reported.

The news comes days after Twitter rolled out its latest design to all users, after weeks of behind the scenes testing as well, according to Mashable.