Ghislaine Maxwell Files More Than 100 Complaints in 22 Months About Horrific Jail Conditions, Pleads for Light Sentence

Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffery Epstein
Ghislaine Maxwell is appealing her sentence. JOHANNES EISELE/AFP via Getty Images

According to a recent revelation, Jeffrey Epstein's famed buddy Ghislaine Maxwell has filed more than 100 complaints during her stay in prison, citing anything from inappropriate body cavity searches to invasive shower monitoring.

Maxwell, who was convicted of functioning as the late sex predator's brutal handmaiden and is awaiting punishment, spent 22 months in solitary confinement at Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center.

Ghislaine Maxwell Repeatedly Complained on Jail Condition

According to the story, new court filings reveal that Maxwell complained about an increase in "humiliating" bodily cavity and strip searches. She also alleges that she was shackled to a chair while watching television and that jail employees kept an eye on her at all times, including while she was in the shower.

According to Maxwell's counsel, another inmate tried to strangle her in her sleep and she was afraid of being shot dead by a sniper. Her legal team believes that the severe conditions of her incarceration should qualify her for a more lenient sentence when she is sentenced.

Maxwell, who is due to find out her fate later this month, faces up to 55 years in jail. According to the story, her attorneys are requesting a sentence of more than five years from Judge Alison Nathan.

They are arguing for a sentence significantly less severe than Epstein's 20-year sentence, citing her humiliating confinement in the bleak Brooklyn jail. Her team has also emphasized her terrible upbringing under her father, late media mogul Robert Maxwell.

They claim that Epstein lured Maxwell into enslaving young girls for his enjoyment and that her giving nature made it impossible for her to refuse his requests. In May, she was moved from solitary confinement to a general population cell.

Security cameras tracked Maxwell's activities 24 hours a day, according to her lawyers, and an extra hand-held camera followed her while under the continuous monitoring of multiple prison officers who studied her every move, even when she was showering.

Lights were remained on in her cell day and night, and light was flashed into her eyes every 15 minutes to ensure she would not suffer the same fate as Epstein, whose death was declared a suicide, according to reports, as per New York Post.

Ghislaine Maxwell Sentence Schedule

Maxwell, 60, was found guilty late last year of recruiting and grooming teenage girls for sexual exploitation by the late US billionaire Epstein. A jury convicted her guilty on five of six counts, the most serious for juveniles involved in sex trafficking. Her punishment, which is set to be handed down on June 28 in Manhattan's federal court, maybe life in prison.

The lawyers emphasized Maxwell's emotional wounds, saying she had a difficult, traumatic childhood with an overbearing, narcissistic, and demanding father. The former international jetsetter grew up in wealth and privilege as a friend of royalty, the Oxford-educated daughter of the late British press baron Robert Maxwell.

Her entourage included Prince Andrew of the United Kingdom, former US President and real estate mogul Donald Trump, and the Clintons. During her trial, prosecutors said Maxwell was the key to Epstein's operation of recruiting young females to give him massages in exchange for sexual assault.

Epstein committed suicide in 2019 while awaiting his sex crimes trial in New York. In February, Prince Andrew resolved a sexual assault case with Virginia Giuffre, who claimed Epstein and Maxwell trafficked her to the prince. Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of sex trafficking in connection with her association with infamous businessman and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who committed suicide in a Manhattan jail in August 2019.

According to ABC News, attorneys for the British socialite told a court on Wednesday that Maxwell should be sentenced to no more than four to five years in jail for her role in Epstein's sexual abuse of adolescent females over a decade. Maxwell's defense team argued in a plea to a Manhattan federal court that she deserved mercy, calling it a travesty of justice for her to face a term that would have been acceptable for Epstein.

Epstein was facing a federal sex trafficking trial at the time of his death. Probation officers suggested that Maxwell be sentenced to 20 years in prison, but cautioned that her conviction might result in a term of 25 to 30 years. Maxwell's attorneys have contended that probation officers used the sentencing standards incorrectly, claiming that an appropriate computation would result in a half-decade or less in jail, SBS reported.
