The Russian Foreign Ministry lashed out at the Biden Administration and its provocative moves to block a humanitarian flight picking up diplomats ordered to leave the US capital.
Kremlin officials have commented how the US and its partners have provoked a reaction, also providing weapons to Zelensky used to attack civilians in the Donbas.
US Disregards International Law
On Wednesday, a statement was released by the ministry's website, written by their spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, reported RT.
She warned that the Kremlin views this action by the US government as another infringement on the relations between the two countries; she asks if US officials are aiming for something more ominous in how they act.
The source of Russia's anger is that Washington is adamant about not permitting a special fight for Russian diplomats and families to go home; Zakharova called it a hostile act.
She added that now the US government is ignoring humanitarian action that should not be treated in such a way. They shouldn't prevent their colleagues from leaving the US as the State Department has told them to leave the Capital before the end of the month, noted Hi India.
The Russian spokeswoman stated her government would answer the provocation.
The official went on to say that the Russian Foreign Ministry had advised the Biden administration in Washington in advance if the humanitarian flight was not permitted to show up, Moscow might respond, even in an asymmetrical manner.
Many nations, namely in the West, had deported several hundred Russian diplomats as of late February when Russia's operation against Ukraine started. Responding, the Kremlin has informed the representatives of those countries to depart, noted the Thread Times.
Worsening relations between Washington and Moscow saw the two countries expel diplomatic staff over the years before this tiff caused by the US support of Ukraine, fighting a US proxy war.
US officials have accused Russian officials on several occasions of spying for Moscow; that has been denied.
Diplomats Are Leaving
The US Department of State decided in August 2021 that required Russian diplomats stationed there for more than three years to leave, which is what led to this most recent instance.
According to Washington, the move was not an expulsion but rather a toughening of restrictions to force Moscow to adjust its diplomats on a par with the US embassy in Moscow.
To the Kremlin, it was a façade and emulated the imposition of the US three-year limit that led to the request for American diplomatic staff to depart.
Sources say the initial 24 Russian consuls left America last year in early September 2021.
Next, another 27 diplomats and families departed for home on January 30, 2022. The next batch of 28 staffers from the embassy will be leaving on June 30; from the United States.
Russian Foreign Ministry does not take it lightly that the Biden administration is not following the rule set, and worse is the humanitarian flight for getting their people is blocked. The US government is getting arbitrary with everything, as the Zakharova explained.
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