A voicemail to his son discloses that President Joe Biden spoke with Hunter about his business contacts with a Chinese criminal his son nicknamed the espionage head of China.
Despite strong evidence to the contrary, the president has consistently denied, both personally and via his press secretary, that he ever discussed Hunter's international business with his Hunter.
Voicemail Unveils Joe Biden's Awareness to Son's Business Deals
The evidence now comes from POTUS' mouth, via a voicemail left on Hunter's iPhone. Joe phoned Hunter on December 12, 2018, stating he wanted to speak with him after reading a New York Times article concerning Hunter's contacts with the Chinese oil firm CEFC.
Files on Hunter's abandoned laptop, which DailyMail.com previously revealed, suggest that he signed a deal with the Chinese corporation for millions of dollars after bragging about his family ties.
According to The New York Times, CEFC's chairman, Ye Jianming, was detained in China, and his senior deputy, Patrick Ho, was convicted in the United States for bribing African authorities to assist Iran to avoid oil sanctions.
It was discovered that Ye met with Hunter at a Miami hotel in 2017 to explore a partnership to engage in American infrastructure and energy agreements.' When Ho was detained, he contacted Joe's brother Jim Biden, who told the newspaper that he thought the call was intended for Hunter.
The White House stated that it was "unclear if Hunter Biden established any commercial transactions with CEFC," not understanding the extent of his contacts with his Chinese business associates at the time. Joe contacted Hunter and left a voicemail after viewing the tale online.
The communication contradicts the president's repeated claims that he and his son ever discussed Hunter's offshore business operations. Hunter's iPhone XS backup, which was kept on his abandoned laptop, included the newly discovered voicemail, Daily Mail reported.
As stated in emails published by The Washington Post in October 2020, one of Hunter Biden's business partners, James Gilliar, explained the planned percentage split of shares in the company.
According to another former Hunter Biden partner, US Navy veteran Tony Bobulinksi, the proposal contained a suggested 10% stake for Hunter for "the big person," an apparent allusion to Joe Biden, who was then the Democratic contender for president.
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Joe Biden Pays For Hunter's Frolics
Meanwhile, Hunter's buddies teased him about James Biden's Times article tying him to Ho. Devon Archer, a former business partner condemned to a year and a day in jail for scamming a Native American tribe in February, texted him the next day.
Text messages on Hunter's laptop clearly show that he panicked when the New York Times began inquiring why Ho contacted James Biden seeking for him. Other texts revealed Hunter's attorney, George Mesires, bragging about diverting Times writer David Barboza's attention away from Hunter and James' connection with CEFC, as per New York Post.
Furthermore, according to a story released Monday, President Biden unwittingly paid for his son Hunter's trysts with an escort ring located in Russia before becoming president. During his presidential campaign, the older Biden transferred his son $100,000 to assist him to pay bills from December 2018 to January 2019.
The documents came from a laptop Hunter Biden left at a computer repair shop in Delaware, according to the publication. Between November 2018 and March 2019, Hunter Biden spent more than $30,000 on sex workers, many of whom were linked to Russian email accounts and an exclusive model agency called UberGFE.
Joe Biden transferred $5,000 to his son while Hunter was "actively involved" with one escort, and another $20,000 to pay for Hunter's stay at a New York drug recovery facility that never happened. There's no evidence that the future president was aware that any of the money he transferred to his son was being used to buy prostitutes, according to Washington Times.
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