Man Warns About Unknown Aquatic Creature After Witnessing Geese Drowning, Sucked Underwater in Lake District

Man Warns About Unknown Aquatic Creature After Witnessing Geese Drowning, Sucked Underwater in Lake District
An unknown aquatic creature was seen preying on geese in the lake district of Ullswater, where they were sucked under in only seconds; the witness says it might be a monster, but that is not quite possible. TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images

A man claims an unknown aquatic animal has been going after geese on the water in the Lake District area. Until today, this disturbance in the area is the first time, and such an uncanny occurrence seems to have no explanation.

Mystery Creature in the Water

The fellow identified as Wayne Owen, 61, working in Ullswater, was alarmed by the abrupt disappearance of the bird that he cannot explain, reported the Daily Star. He has also warned the locals in the area not to approach the water's edge, fearing for their safety or something terrible might happen.

Owen has brought particular attention to warn on allowing children and dogs to go close or wade in the water in fear of the mysterious creature that threatens everyone's safety, especially children and their pet pooches, cited the Bharat Express-News.

Doubt about the claims of the 61-year-old was settled by the Lake District National Park Authority, which searched the area and came up with nothing in the investigation.

Claims About Something Monstrous in the Lake

Owen spoke of how he first encountered the sea creature; he was on the Steamer and witnessed a grey lag goose getting sucked into the lake and never rising again. He and a companion were waiting for the bird to show up, but it never did. Speaking to the skipper of the boat and saw two smaller geese, about 5 pounds each, that tried to fly away but were dragged into the water again by some unknown aquatic animal in the Lake District.

According to him, there was no way that the first bird could be dragged into the water so fast. The skipper with 36 years' experience remarked it was the first time he saw such an odd thing.

He estimated that it only took a quick 15 seconds for the second bird to be dragged by an unknown animal into the water. He could not supply a credible answer. The incident shook Owen and has caused hesitation to venture into the Lake District, speculation that it might be a vicious crocodile or those giant catfish that have found a home in the water.

It might be that an unidentified aquatic carnivorous specie has been released in the lake, it was others who suggested that croc or carnivorous catfish is stalking the water for prey. Expressed concern that his assertion a 'lake monster' might exists only makes some think madness, and it is him who loses from that perception, noted Lancs Live.

The spokeswoman representing the Lake District National Park Authority gave an opinion about the alleged wild claims of the alleged witness. She remarked that their department knew about what happened to geese in Ullswater. The rangers did a patrol in the area over the weekend and confirmed that everything was normal and nothing out of place.

Owen alleged sighting of geese getting sucked and dragged under swiftly as the work of an unknown aquatic animal of monstrous origin has not been verified by the Lake District authorities in Ullswater, who said nothing was out of the ordinary.