Pentagon Rolls Out New $400 Million Military Aid, Pledges More Support Despite US Recession
(Photo : SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP via Getty Images)
Pentagon officials report Biden administration will send another $400 million in military assistance to Ukraine despite a US recession and the losses of Volodymyr Zelensky in the Donbass.

The Pentagon will add $400 million in assistance to Ukraine despite the US recession, which is a concern for many Americans. After this, the Biden administration will send more in the coming months and years, with no end to the mounting Ukrainian losses.

US Neocons Intend To Drag Out the Conflict in Ukraine

US President Joe Biden announced the new arms shipment to Kyiv with four more HIMARS, even more hardware for the Azov and Nationalists, and conscripted army to use, reported RT.

In a briefing to reporters on Friday, a Defense Department official talked about planning efforts to address weaponry needs. The most recent wave of assistance comes after an individual who spoke on the requested anonymity, that the funding would not require congressional approval, noted Azerbaycan 24.

The new batch of eight HIMARS units, wherein two were destroyed by Russians. These platforms can hit 80 kilometers away. The new batch includes the $400 million military aid in the 15th package for Kyiv since August, along with 1,000 rounds of howitzer ammunition. This HIMARS has more accuracy than ordinary ones, which can hit Russian assets or other targets.

Despite losing the LPR to Russian forces, which the Pentagon downplays, claims these weapons can improve loss of morale, units destroyed or abandoned by the Azov and nationalist units running away.

The Pentagon is convinced this $400 million aid will help as Kyiv is losing on the battlefield, despite Americans' concern that these shipments will make the US recession worse.

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The US has no oversight, Biden can send all the arms without limit. Some shady business with delivered weapons presumed to be Ukrainians selling it, not getting to combat units was in the news. The Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said they are in black markets overseas this week, per Oacoree.

Members of Congress doubt how Zelensky is upfront about the weapons deliveries sent by Joe Biden's official powers. Defense officials claim they know where arms are in Ukraine.

The West Downplays the Russians Are Winning

Andrey Yermak, chief of staff for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, is sending mixed messages that Ukraine is winning, but reports say otherwise.

The US defense department deflects the considerable losses suffered by Ukraine forces against the Russian army, saying Russia is paying a lot in men and equipment, but the recent news says otherwise.

Some pundits say that the Biden administration will not admit Zelensky is losing, and Russia is achieving goals better than US and NATO thought possible.

On February 24, Vladimir Putin approved the special mission to assist the Donbass after acknowledging the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics. Ukraine dumped the Minsk Agreement in 2014, which former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko used to build up forces.

Officials of the Pentagon announced the $400 million in military aid that does not need the approval of congress despite a US recession. The media is now revealing what the Defense Department wants to deny, and Ukraine uses these weapons to attack civilians despite saying they won't.

Related Article: Pentagon Says US Congress Could Suspend $40 Billion Spending Package for Ukraine