'Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII' Review Roundup: Cool Combat System Suffers From Bad Story Execution (TRAILER)

"Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII" is back for the final installment of the Square Enix trilogy.

Lightning is back to save Cocoon more than 500 years after a deep sleep. She awakens only to find she is the savior who can change the fate of Cocoon in its last 13 days of existence. Check out what the best snippets of what game reviewers had to say below.

IGN rates the game a 7 out of 10:

"Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is a strange end to Square's trilogy. Its fresh combat system is a great success, and the well-designed world provides more than enough reason to play through the end of Lightning's journey. At the same time, the incredibly inconsistent tone and underwhelming plot caused any story-based satisfaction to completely elude me. Lightning Returns is a good game, but one that forgets that a big part of what make the Final Fantasy games so memorable is how they created characters we could care about."

Game Informer gives the game a 7 out of 10:

"Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 trained me to look past a bad plot and appreciate good gameplay, but the positives are more buried and harder to see in Lightning Returns. It makes the same mistakes with its narrative, and swaps out systems that worked (like monster collection and the crystarium) for half-baked concepts that don't hit the same high notes. The conclusion of a trilogy presents the opportunity for an emotional farewell to a beloved cast and world, but Lightning Returns only left me relieved to see this adventure end."

Den of Geek rates the game a 7.6 out of 10:

"It's unfortunate then that the story this time around isn't very captivating. You'd think that being dropped into a world that's going to end in thirteen days would offer players an epic and tear-soaked experience, but it just doesn't. It might be the frantic tone of the story, or the fact that Lightning is basically a robot in this installment (which is explained in-game; basically, God stripped her of her humanity to make the whole saving souls before the end of the world easier on her). I like my Final Fantasy games spewing with feeling, and we just don't get that from this portrayal of Lightning."