China Develops Nuclear-Powered 'Super Torpedo,' Matches Russia's Doomsday Poseidon Nuke as Moscow, Beijing Clash Against Ukraine, Taiwan

China Develops Nuclear-Powered ‘Super Torpedo,' Matches Russia’s Doomsday Poseidon Nuke as Moscow, Beijing Clash Against Ukraine, Taiwan
Following Russia's disclosure of their own tsunami-causing Poseidon version of the devastating weapon, China is also considering the idea of constructing a doomsday nuclear "super torpedo." GUANG NIU/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

China has revealed designs for terrifying nuclear drone torpedoes capable of launching swarms of destructive torpedoes over the Pacific Ocean.

According to Beijing experts, the new torpedo could be mass-produced and fired from nearly any warship or submarine. The announcement follows a Russian state media warning to the United Kingdom of a "nuclear tsunami" 500 meters tall being deployed to wipe out the country because of its backing for Ukraine during the ongoing crisis.

China Proposes To Develop Its Own Version of Russia's Nuclear Weapon

Furthermore, Vladimir Putin's mouthpieces have advocated the idea of a nuclear attack on London and New York utilizing the dreaded multi-warhead SATAN II missile, capable of hypersonic speed and striking the UK in three minutes.

The United States, Russia, China, and North Korea have all been racing to develop hypersonic missiles capable of reaching anywhere in the Earth in recent years. The concept of a nuclear torpedo meant to cause a massive tidal wave is relatively new as governments strive to gain an advantage in the ever-warming global Cold War.

According to reports, a Chinese team has completed the conceptual design for a small, low-cost nuclear reactor capable of propelling a swarm of torpedoes across the Pacific Ocean in approximately a week. The announcements were made in a peer-reviewed study issued by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China's top naval contractor.

Chinese researchers are planning to build a tiny replica of Russia's Poseidon autonomous submarine, the world's first nuclear-powered underwater drone. Experts fear the weapons, which might travel great distances, would also endanger US interests in the Indo-Pacific. Poseidon, Russia's underwater counterpart of a nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile, is intimidating in size and capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

While not as quick as an ICBM, the Poseidon and any Chinese version of the torpedo would be extremely difficult to detect and stop if launched into the immensity of the oceans, particularly the Pacific, according to Express.

How Many Nuclear Weapons Does China Have?

The Belgorod, Vlad's 600 ft. "city killer" nuclear submarine, was claimed to be ready for war in January of this year. When the sub was launched for the first time in June of last year, it was heralded as a game-changer for Putin's military. However, unlike Russia's model, China asserts that its torpedo will be easier to construct and can be inserted in a normal torpedo tube rather than requiring a custom-designed tube.

According to the South China Morning Post, the Poseidon is too massive and powerful for widespread manufacturing and is only used as a strategic-level weapon with Russia's Belgorod special mission submarine. Russia's Poseidon was touted as being capable of flattening an entire city or larger area using its two-megaton nuclear weapon - around 100 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

But Chinese researchers claim such a weapon would spark a nuclear war that would destroy the world, making it unlikely to ever be developed, as per The Sun. In Asia, new war fears have been raised when China began shooting ballistic missiles near Taiwan in a display of military power. Tensions between the two countries have risen following Nancy Pelosi's recent travel to Taiwan as Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

China regards the island as a renegade province that will eventually be returned to Beijing's authority - by force if necessary - whereas Taiwan regards itself as an independent country. With global concerns mounting over increasingly strained relations between China, Taiwan, and the West, we examine China's nuclear arsenal.

China has the world's third-biggest nuclear arsenal, after only Russia and the United States, with an estimated 350 nuclear warheads. The country originally built nuclear weapons during the Cold War and is anticipated to continue building its nuclear arsenal, which has grown by 30 percent since 2020.

A Pentagon analysis released last November cautioned that China's nuclear arsenal was growing significantly faster than the US had expected a year before. The US is concerned that Beijing will have more than 1,000 weapons by 2030, Independent reported.


China, Russia, Nuclear weapon, Vladimir putin, Xi Jinping