Facebook Users Can Now Be More Than Male Or Female

You don't have to be strictly a man or a woman on Facebook anymore. In a nod to the "it's complicated" sexual identities of many of its users, the social network on Thursday added a third "custom" gender option for people's profiles, the Associated Press reported.

In addition to Male or Female, Facebook now lets U.S. users choose among some 50 additional options such as "transgender," "cisgender," "gender fluid," "intersex" and "neither," according to the AP.

Users also now have the ability to choose the pronoun they'd like to be referred to publicly: he/his, she/her, or the gender-neutral they/their, the AP reported.

"When you come to Facebook to connect with the people, causes, and organizations you care about, we want you to feel comfortable being your true, authentic self," Facebook said in a post on its Diversity page.

"An important part of this is the expression of gender, especially when it extends beyond the definitions of just 'male' or 'female,' " the post continued. "So today, we're proud to offer a new custom gender option to help you better express your own identity on Facebook."

Facebook said it worked with a group of leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy organizations to come up with the new gender categories, the AP reported.

"Facebook users from across the country have been asking for the ability to reflect their gender accurately, and today Facebook showed they have been listening," said Allison Palmer, a former GLAAD vice president, who worked on the project with Facebook, according to the AP.

To edit your gender status, Facebook offers these instructions, go to your Timeline, click Update Info at the bottom of your cover photo and then click Edit in the top right of the section you'd like to change, the AP reported.

The new gender options are only accessible within an auto complete drop-down menu, so you have to begin typing to see them appear, enter your new info and click save, according to the AP.