
Donald Trump May Consider Releasing Surveillance of FBI's Raid to SCOTUS' Mar-a-Lago Property

FBI Raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago: US Judge Orders Justice Department To Unseal Part of Affidavit of Evidence
The FBI raid justified by the Justice Department will have a hitch with the affidavit of evidence that might spill what Dems used as causes. Joshua Roberts/Getty Images

Amid the controversy surrounding the federal investigation of Donald Trump's Florida club, Mar-a-Lago, some of his allies want him to publicly release surveillance footage of FBI agents carrying out a search order at his Florida estate.

Furthermore, a person close to Trump stated that the CCTV footage has been kept so secretively that the former President's advisers are doubtful if he has seen it all. "I don't think it's been discussed by anyone outside of the attorneys."

Allies Urge Trump To Release Footages of FBI's Raid

Aside from that, some of Trump's supporters have asked the former President to make some of the films public because they believe it will energize the Republican Party. According to a source familiar with the conversations, there have been thoughts about utilizing the August film in campaign-style commercials because the clip is deemed to bolster Trump's accusations of political persecution.

Furthermore, when Sean Hannity of Fox News asked Trump's son Eric if the tape will be made public, Eric said, "Absolutely Sean, at the proper moment," Republic World reported. However, the suggestion appears to have divided opinions among individuals in his inner circle, with supporters claiming it would raise morale among the Republican party's base and opponents warning of a potential backlash.

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is one ally pressing Trump to release the film, saying it will red-pill the Nation, referring to the concept from The Matrix that implies deciding to absorb a potentially disturbing or life-changing fact. Opponents of the plan say it might backfire by giving his followers a visual representation of the enormous numbers of data, including secret files, confiscated by federal officials from his Palm Beach home.

Another Trump loyalist, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said he doesn't see how it would benefit him. It is unknown what the footage might disclose. Bobb also said that FBI agents first told Mar-a-Lago workers to turn off all security cameras on the property, but the legal team eventually agreed that the search may be videotaped.

According to reports, the CIA confiscated 11 sets of sensitive documents from the former president's house, including those labeled top secret and about nuclear weapons. The Justice Department is examining whether Trump violated three federal crimes, including the Espionage Act, according to the search warrant.

Trump Rakes in Donations From His Supporters

Meanwhile, according to a source, Donald Trump received at least $1 million in donations in the days following the FBI's search order at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida. Contributions to Trump's political action committee (PAC) exceeded $1 million at least two days after the FBI raided his property on Aug. 8 in pursuit of secret materials.

While the gifts have not reached $1 million since, they remain greater than the norm, according to persons familiar with the situation. Along with higher-than-average donations, sources informed The Washington Post that Trump's PAC now had more contributors than typical. The sources did not provide a specific number.

According to a property receipt received and reported by NBC News, the FBI discovered at least 20 boxes of secret papers at the Mar-a-Lago resort, including photo binders and information about French President Emmanuel Macron.

During the operation, a stockpile was discovered that was labeled "TS/SCI," which stands for top secret/sensitive compartmented information. TS/SCI files are records that, if made public, might cause exceptionally grave harm to US national security.

When Trump left the White House in January, his crew handed over crates of materials. After the former president's staff refused to provide all records, the Justice Department traveled to Mar-a-Lago in June to gather more, as per Independent.


Donald Trump, FBI
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