US Navy Sued as Jet Fuel Contaminated Tap Water Supplies Near Pearl Harbor

US Navy Sued as Jet Fuel Contaminated Tap Water Supplies Near Pearl Harbor
US Navy did not admit that jet fuel had leaked into the tap water supplies that caused endangering people, as local families filed the case in court. Darryl Oumi/Getty Images

The US Navy is getting sued for contamination of jet fuel into the tap water supplies of Hawaii. Families in Hawaii accuse the military of not reporting "catastrophic contamination" of tap water with aviation fuel.

USN Denies Accusations of Water Contamination

Four families have filed a lawsuit against the United States Navy for tainting the water supply near Hawaii's Pearl Harbor with thousands of gallons of aviation fuel, alleging that the military engendered "toxic secrets" and did not take appropriate corrective measures as they became severely ill, reported RT.

At least once in 2021, fuel leaked from a World War II-era complex of storage tanks into a reservoir that provides water to homes and businesses in the vicinity of the massive Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.

The lawsuit, filed on Wednesday in the US District Court in Honolulu, claims that the same navy has yet to publicly disclose the potential of the disastrous contamination.

The water they drank and bathed in was dangerously contaminated, as the Feindt, Freeman, Simic, and Wyatt families, among many others, will learn.

They also indicated that in 2021, when over 93,000 military service members, their families, and civilians depended on the government for potable water on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, the Navy hid toxic secrets, as mentioned in the lawsuit, noted Mass News.

According to legal representatives for the families, many more plaintiffs are likely to join the class action once the administrative process for these types of complaints against the federal government is completed. Because the US Navy did not disclose the leakage of jet fuel or the potential consequences of the pollutants, countless individuals proceeded to drink the tap water supplies.

Based on the filing, the petitioners continue to struggle with seizure activity, gastrointestinal problems, neurological problems, and other maladies.

As shown in a statement from the civil suit, the authorities aggravated their anguish since these families had become sicker from the liquid. The Navy's high command rejected and brushed aside their concerns. The family members' concerns and questions were either ignored or minimized.

The Navy, which rejected the family members even for the most basic level of care once they decided to seek help and support from military health personnel, mentioned Hi India.

Naval Authorities Confirmed the Problem

After initially stating that a fuel leak was restricted to a corridor that did not impact water sources, this same problem was acknowledged, and the leakage was contained in December 2021.

Water service to almost 100,000 people was interrupted when the concern was ascertained. At the time, Hawaii Democrat US Representative Kai Kahele called the incident a crisis of massive proportions.

As families started complaining about the smell and taste of their water, the commanding officer issued a statement declaring there was no reason to believe the liquid seemed dangerous.

Media spoke to Navy wife Cheri Burness, who provided a statement to the Associated Press. She said they see a dilemma but don't know what it is, and they will do whatever it takes to find and solve it. She added the Navy said there was no problem instead.

Navy investigation said the crisis was caused by poor leadership and human error. In the reports, pollutants sickened approximately 6,000 people.

US Navy is facing a lawsuit for allowing jet fuel to leak into tap water supplies which were not admitted till late, after health complaints by people affected by it.