'Warren Is In the House'; Warren Buffett Joins Twitter'

Multi Billionaire Warren Buffett finally joined Twitter Tuesday at the ripe age of 82—and he seems to be quite the popular guy.

In the first 45 minutes of the account’s life, Buffett accumulated 45,000, according to Reuters. Since posting his first tweet which read, “Warren is in the house”, the account has gained over 110,000 followers and continues to grow rapidly

Buffett’s Twitter handle is simply @WarrenBuffet and the account has been verified.

According to Reuters, Buffett’s Twitter follower accumulation has grown faster than the amount of money he made with his 2008 investment in Goldman Sachs Group Inc. That business move brought him $900 per minute. Buffett is currently gaining 1,000 followers per minute.

The Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc, has joined the likes of News Corp. Chief Executive Officer Rupert Murdoch and 42nd President of the United States Bill Clinton—both of whom recently joined the social networking site. Their twitter handles are @RupertMurdoch and @BillClinton respectively.