
Russian Navy Develops Electronic Warfare System as Countermeasure for Drone, Missile Assault

Russian Navy units will be fitted with an electronic warfare system (EW) to defend against drone and missile assaults. Sources say the new EW system will be mounted on standard 40-foot sea containers, and it can be placed on the decks of ships, noted Izvestia.

Russia's Advanced Electronic Countermeasures With UAVs

According to Russian military sources, the Project 22160 series patrol boats will be the initial platforms in the Russian Navy to get the new electronic warfare system, reported EurAsian Times.

The vessels are sizable ships intended for guard duty, surveillance, and security on open and closed seas. In the case of a dispute, the ships will be utilized to safeguard the coast and coastal bases. They can also be employed to accompany ship groups and single ships in addition to search and rescue and anti-piracy activities.

It has a modular architecture, which means it can accept a variety of weapon equipment and systems for different purposes.

Admiral Valentin Selivanov, former head of the Russian Navy's Main Staff, informed Izvestia that its presence of powerful electronic warfare is substantial for the modern naval fleet against drone and missile assault.

Electronic warfare is now used to counter drones, tactical aircraft, and cruise missiles by the Russian Navy. As the name implies, Selivanov states that it will patrol this same coastal zone and protect the coast precisely from air strikes. Sea threats can be rebuffed, and the EW system can monitor vessels.

He remarked that air strikes could be unexpected. However, if potent means of electronic warfare were accessible, they would be capable of competing with drones, aircraft, and missiles.

Furthermore, it is a type of electronic warfare that compels the drone to lose its munitions or land wherever it is needed while hindering its attack. As stated by the retired Russian admiral, the Russian military services have already employed electronic warfare hardware in battle conditions in Ukraine.

Electronic Warfare System To Thwart Drone Attacks

Media coverage of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict mainly focuses on deploying projectiles, heavy weapons, and planes. A hidden battle between the two sides inside that electromagnetic sphere has strongly affected the war.

These EW systems used in Ukraine include one supported by Orlan-10 drones, another sophisticated electronic suppression system, and two more which are examples of Russian EWS options for the battlefield or other uses.

Orlan-10 drones can block satellite communications, and other blocked signals include 3G and 4G communications, as well as text messages.

Another EW system will impede Ukrainian military ground and airborne High Frequency (HF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio channels, and one will jam radio signals.

An R-934B "Sinitsa" jamming facility could also distort and, if required, damage low-Earth orbit communication systems and navigation systems.

Other systems here include "Krasukha-C4" and the R-330Zh "Zhitel" automatic jamming stations for reconnaissance and electronic attack (EA); the R-330Zh "Zhitel" jammer is capable of interfering with the radar of US AWACS while in operation, blinding them.

This comprehensive array of Russian EW systems faltered in the early months of the war, puzzling many military experts who have been monitoring Russian EW possibilities and ideas for years. Russian Navy units will deploy an EW system that can negate drone and missile assaults by blocking electronic signals guiding them.

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