US Sends Stern Warning to Vladimir Putin if He Uses Nuclear Weapons in Russia-Ukraine War

US Sends Stern Warning to Vladimir Putin if He Uses Nuclear Weapons in Russia-Ukraine War
In response to growing concerns that Vladimir Putin's threats are more likely to occur, an official warns that the US and its allies will respond "decisively" if Russia deploys a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

National security advisor Jake Sullivan said on Sunday that the US has warned the Kremlin of the terrible repercussions using nuclear weapons in Ukraine would bring upon Russia.

Jake Sullivan stated on NBC's Meet the Press that if Russia exceeds this line, there will be terrible consequences for Russia, and the United States would respond firmly. In private channels, we have spelled out in further detail just what that would mean.

US Says Putin Must be Responsible for War Crimes, Atrocities

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, said he doesn't think Vladimir Putin was lying when he indicated last week that he would be justified in employing any amount of force, suggesting tactical nuclear weapons are still a possibility.

President Vladimir Putin must be held responsible for the war crimes and other atrocities carried out by Russian troops in Ukraine, according to Jake Sullivan, who also admitted that diplomacy will ultimately be needed to put a stop to the crisis. That is unlikely to occur until Putin is prepared to engage in negotiations.

According to a survey issued on Sunday by a Russian company, 93% of those who cast ballots on the first day of the referendum on the Zaporizhzhia region joining the Russian Federation were in favor.

500 people in the Russian-occupied territory were reportedly polled, according to the Crimean Republican Institute for Political and Sociological Research. Sham referendums voting started on Friday, as per Ukrainian and American officials.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy claimed on Sunday, on CBS's that President Vladimir Putin knows he is losing the war and must provide an explanation for why Russia is pressing ahead with referendums in the regions of Ukraine it controls. Putin intends to annex the territories, so he can continue the invasion while claiming to be defending Russian territory, as per USA Today.

Zelensky Acknowledges US for HIMARS, Weapons Aid

In an interview, Zelenskyy admitted that the US had promised to give Kiev a sophisticated air defense system called the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS). Zelenskyy also expressed appreciation for the US's provision of HIMARS and other many rocket-launching systems, which allowed Ukraine to advance against the Russian occupiers.

In the meantime, supporters of Vladimir Putin from Bulgaria have gathered close to Kalofer in the country's center, brandishing flags with the identical Z emblems seen on Russian military equipment in Ukraine.

Many people in the EU and NATO member state of the Balkans still harbor sentimental feelings for the old communist government. The annual Russophiles meet, a pro-Moscow gathering, took place as Sofia prepared for new elections and as the nation struggled with its identity.

After Moscow hurriedly mobilized hundreds of thousands of recruits to fight in Ukraine, divisions over whether to welcome or send away Russians escaping conscription have grown more pronounced throughout Europe, Aljazeera reported.

President Zelensky brought up the most recent atrocities discovered in Kharkiv, which the Ukrainian forces had just recently freed from Russian rule. However, earlier this month, the White House warned that such a move may jeopardize the tenuous humanitarian arrangements made with Russia in regions of Ukraine that are under its authority.

The US first used the channel of communication established during the Cold War to alert Russia to JFK's murder. Obama's 2016 warning to Moscow not to meddle in the US presidential race was its last recorded use. Putin urged more Russians to join his stumbling invasion, which has been going on for seven months, in a speech last week. He also made a comment that many took to be a nuclear threat, according to Daily Mail.


Us, Russia, Vladimir putin, Nuclear weapons